Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Transfer - Firenze FLORENCE

Ciao Tutti,

Well Last night i received an interesting call from president Acerson....I'm being transferred to Firenze (Florence). Firenze is in Tuscany and is the world capitol of art. It has the "David" and countless other incredible sculptures and stuff like that, it also has one of the largest markets in the world. I'm soooo pumped to go see some more of Italy and some incredible history. When it comes to that kind of stuff Pescara, where I'm at right now, doesn't have anything, just a beach.

The church in the city is pretty small from what i hear, they have a small branch. When i talked with president he informed me that the missionary work in the city has really been suffering. I don't know if that was supposed to be a warning or a challenge, whatever it was things are gonna change... Whatever you think about you bring about, right!?

It absolutely broke my heart last night having to call everyone and tell them all I'm leaving. I can honestly say, i gave it my all in this city, and really left it all on the field. I love the people here in Pescara especially the people i had the privilege of teaching. Its especially hard because we actually have a baptism this weekend that i wont get to be here for and next weekend there are 2 more.

This weekend Belinda Campolone, the woman from Zimbabwe is being baptized, and next weekend the 2 adopted brothers Roberto and Andrea Salvatori are being baptized. All 3 had asked me to baptize them but now with the change of plans it looks like anz. Daniel's will get to do it. I realize that this work really has absolutely nothing to do with me, its all about the people, and i am so very grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me such an incredible chance to learn and grow from finding and teaching these wonderful people. I'm dreading having to go say goodbye today....ughhhhh!!!

SO, anyways this week i was totally gonna make a video of me and anz. Daniel's on our sweet bikes but unfortunately when we came out of one of our appointments someone had stolen the seat from my companions bike and not only that but my companion couldn't find the key to the lock.... he completely lost the only now our bikes are still locked up where we left them and every time we go back to check on them more and more pieces are missing from them!!! hahaha welcome to Italy.... i think one of the sisters took some pictures with us and our bikes and helmets a while ago so ill see if i get get her pictures and ill send them home.

This last week we traveled to Rome for stake conference, and it was really great. We did have to catch the 4am bus out of Pescara but other than that, the conference was so good. Everyone is thrilled for the Temple that's gonna be built in Rome, 2 of the talks were about it, and how the members needed to prepare for it. You guys have noooooo idea how lucky you are to have temples yes (plural) temples so close. All the members have to travel to Switzerland to attend the temple, and its really really expensive, and hard to do! So for all of you near a temple, GOOOOO!

Well that's about it for this week i love you all so very much, you'll all be hearing from me next week in FIRENZE!!!!!!!

Love Anziano Koozer

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