I know I've kind of dedicated the last several entries to Elder Koozer....but really there are a lot of things happening in the lives of the rest of the Koozer family. School is out and summer is here.
Image by kevindooley via Flickr
Image by acordova via Flickr
Dane worked hard at school this year while he played football, basketball and baseball. He was also involved in student council. He has been nominated for an academic - athletic achievement award. He will be taking golf lessons this summer.
Image via Wikipedia
Emmett got all A's all year!! He is so smart, we can't believe he belongs to us sometimes. Reality hit when he showed me his award the class voted on for him....that's right...."CLASS CLOWN"! Yep, he's a Koozer! Emmett played basketball this last year and this summer he will do flag football. 
Cade and Dane already have gone to scout camp this summer. Emmett has scout day camp at the end of June. Hal has been called to the stake young men's presidency... over scouts, no less! I am still in young women's and will go to Mt. Lemon for girls camp this summer.
I guess the most exciting and crazy bit of news is.....I am going to be a grandma....aaaahhhh!
Image by soylentgreen23 via Flickr
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