Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 15

Hey Everyone,

How is everyone doing? Has Cade done football camp yet? What has everyone been up to? I get these emails once a week then any mail that has been sent to me i get only once a transfer, when we go to Rome. So Email me, cus i have no idea what you all have been up to, and i miss you guys like crazy! But anyways, I've had an awesome week, there have been a lot of fun things that have happened. We have been super duper busy teaching, the Lord has truly blessed us. We are kinda struggling though because were not getting much help from the members, which makes it hard because the city is so huge and we get stuck having to take take buses to all our appointments and can only plan so many lessons in a night. Things would be so much easier with a car, the Elders in the states are SO lucky to have them. Gloria the L'Aquila woman we have been teaching had her baptismal interview this last week and passed! We were kinda nervous that she wouldn't but everything went great and now were set to have her baptism this Friday evening. We are absolutely thrilled for her! I am giving a talk at her service on Baptism, and also doing a special musical number, with one of the sisters in our district who has an amazing voice. Her name is Sister Skabelund, and she is actually from Mesa too. And it turns out she knows Sgt. Pepper and Gooburr, and i guess her family is friends with the Judds. But yeah, were all set for the baptism, and should be having a few investigators coming which will be great. On Sunday we went to my first member dinner appointment, and it was a blast! they picked us up in this big van with no seats in it, so we sat on this little stools and held on for our lives. They live out in the country and so it was a crazy ride, ha ha oh man i wish i had my camera with me, we were cracking up the whole time! But it was so beautiful to see all the scenery on the way to their house. The rolling hills, and grape vineyards, it was so neat. When we got there we ate a huge meals then i played them some music on the guitar they had and i taught them all how to play the game Mafia. And don't worry, we weren't just playing around waisting time, they actually had 4 investigators over and after we played games we did a spiritual thought, and i told them all Jesse's story, and how blessed we all are for having the plan of salvation. It went really well, they should be coming to church on Sunday, and we are actually going to do some service out at the investigators house then have a BBQ this Saturday. On Monday we found a new investigator, named Morena. She is what you call a "Golden Investigator". We are so excited to teach her. the first time we met she asked all of the "golden questions", and wanted to know what it would take to be baptised. we couldn't believe it, ha ha she is such an amazing woman!On Monday we went to an Italian wedding which was so much fun to see. It was just like the movie My big fat Greek wedding! ha ha all the old Italian women all dressed up, with enough perform to smoke out a beehive, and all the younger women had super tight short dresses on with a ton of make up. Ha ha it was just like the movies. Well its the last week of the transfer already and we received our transfer call last night and received some pretty crazy news. They blew out the other companionship, and made our city a 2 Elder city! We couldn't believe it! IT means we take over all of their work, and investigators, and not only that we get our huge apartment to ourselves!ha ha which means all there food they just bought for the week and everything! Its going to be so nice to get everything to ourselves, but i have no idea how in the world we are going to handle so much work. they have 6 progressing investigators that we are now adding to our 13. We are planning on making an announcement in church to try to get some help from the members, cus its going to be impossible if some people don't step up and help. My biggest fear is being so busy that we forget about people and we end up losing investigators. I must admit though, it is a pretty great problem to be having, with almost too much work to handle. It is going to be a little weird with it just being me and my companion now, it was nice having other people to talk to during the day to kinda get a break but now its just us 2. I'm so glad my companion is such a great guy. well we definitely have our work cut out for us its 2 missionaries with stewardship over 4 hundred thousand people in our area. I'm so grateful to be here, Ive been having such an amazing time. I cant believe I'm already done with a whole transfer, i only have 15 left in my whole mission, and it will be time to come home. Time is going way to fast, i definitely am not going to waist a single moment while I'm here. I'm starting to Love these people, and don't want my time to end, i LOVE being a missionary!!!!!! Well i hope to hear from you all soon.
Love Anziano Koozer

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