Wednesday, August 12, 2009

week ? stopped counting

Ciao tutti,
Hey everyone! Thanks again for the emails I've been getting, its been great to hear from you all, especially you Bai. Don't worry i wont forget about you when i send my hand written letters to the family. I also wanted to say thank you to Julianna Lewis. I know we really haven't met, but that is so incredible of you to write Gloria a letter, I'm excited to see it. And no worries Mom, just stick it in the mail and when it gets here we'll sit down and translate it, and I'll make sure it is hand delivered to Gloria myself. Thanks a million Julianna, i know it will help her! And I'll keep you posted on everything that happens with her.
Well everyone, we've had a great week this week. On Wed, we went out for our p-day and spent the entire day with the Giusti family. The Guisti family is an incredible family that was baptised this last year. The Mom, is a professional opera singer who has a world wide demand for her music, the Dad is also an opera singer who sings all over the world, but is also a world famous conductor who conducts for enormous orchestras, and symphonies. They have a 19 year old son who is preparing for a mission and a 14 year old daughter. They are pretty much the coolest family ever!!! They invited us out for the day to play music and sing and play games, and to eat with them. It was the funnest day ever! They have a huge manor with a 4 story house and every instrument there is! Ha ha i was in heaven, when i saw there enormous Grand Piano. I got a video of us playing and sing together, I'll be sending it when i send my pictures. I have over a hundred pictured that I'm gonna be sending home soon, along with a few videos i took. I think i might just send it all home on a flash drive, cus CD's are kinda expensive. So you'll be getting all that pretty much within the next month or so. But anyways, we had a great day with the Guisti family, and made it back to Pescara to make it to our appointments for the night.
Thursday was booked all day long, and we made some great progress with the investigators were working with. Friday we had what we call a smack down lesson. Its pretty much a "were dropping you lesson". Smack downs are never fun but we have to do them when people don't keep their commitments and aren"t doing their part. So we told Anna who was the girl we dropped a story that I'll share with you all:
SO one day day there was a huge storm and it started to rain. The water kept coming and coming and it was to the point the point where this man had to start swimming to stay alive. So the man prayed to God that he would be saved, and he believed that God would save him. SO along came a row boat with a man in it who said hey jump in I'll save you, and the man in the water said said no God will save me. The row boat left and the water kept rising. Along came a big ship, and the people on the ship said hey jump on we'll save you and the man said no God will save me, so the boat left. And it kept raining. Lastly a helicopter came and threw down a rope and they said grab the rope we'll save you and the man wouldn't grab the robe cus he believed God would save him. The helicopter left and the man drowned. God answered the man's prayers 3 times and because the man wasn't willing to act on what he was given and do his part, and because he didn't recognize his answers he died.
This is our official smack down lesson that we leave with investigators who aren't doing there part. Its hard to drop people but as missionaries we aren't here to make the elect were here to find them.
On Saturday we played calcetto with Roberto and Andrea the boys we have been teaching, and all of their friends from their Orphanage. It was SOOOO much fun! Hahaha the boys we played with are half our age but twice as good as us at soccer, it was a blast! On Sunday there was an enormous market in Pescara that took up the entire Main street through the city. There were crazy things that people were selling, it was way neat to see the craziness of everything.
On Monday we went out to Popoli a near by city to spend the day with Sofia and to meet her parents. We had my first real Italian meal It was 7 courses of heaven!!!! Wait till you see the pictures. Sofia's mom made everything by hand, EVERYTHING! IT was the best food I've ever eaten in my entire life! By the end of the meal my companion had snuck to the bathroom and puked because he had eaten way too much. I was able to keep mine down but barely! Hahah it hurt to breath and move and i literally couldn't put another thing in my mouth. Such fun memories! We then went on a tour of the city which was super cool cus their city is wayyyyy old and even has a castle, it was sweet. We also started a fast with Sofia that night to help her gain a testimony that the church is true. On Tuesday we made over a hundred sugar cookies all morning long. We totally guessed at the recipe and they actually turned out great. That night we met with Sofia and ended our fast with her and she received her answer that the church is true! The power of the Spirit is so strong when you fast i love it! SO were on for sure for her baptism, were not positive on the date but hopefully she'll shoot for the 22nd. IT was a great week.
I hope everyone at home is doing great i love you all. Cade Dane and Emmett have a great school year i Love you guys. I don't really need anything, the only thing that would be super cool to have is some music. I don't have any music to listen to out here Its driving me slightly insane. But really I'm doing great and don't NEED anything at all. But anyways we got to get goin. I love you !!!!
Anziano Koozer
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1 comment:

Marne Traasdahl said...

What fun to hear from your missionary! He sounds great!!! Austin wanted me to get elder Koozer's letters, so if you don't mind I'll forward this on to him. You guys are the best! And by the way, Thanks for lunch in Heber!

Marne T.

Koozer Motto

Never eat on an empty stomach

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