Tuesday, May 12, 2009

week 6

Hey everyone!Its been another week in the MTC, and I'm starting to Get cabin fever!!!!!Ahhhh get me out of here! hahaha oh man i just want to be in Rome RIGHT NOW! But only 3 more weeks, and in 2 weeks ill have my flight plans. Everything has been going great , i taught in Italian for the second time yesterday to an investigator in the TRC, and it actually went really well! the spirit was so strong while we were teaching. The man starting crying, and i just hope it wasn't my terrible Italian. But its amazing how much we've been learning, especially with the help of the spirit. You all know me, i brown nosed my way through high school, but now I'm speaking and teaching in Italian after 6 weeks! I realized here i actually need to learn, and not just Kiss up, But it will be nice when i can brown nose in Italian, haha hopefully it will get me in some doors. ok, so mom i got your email, and I'm doing good with the money, and when we get ready to leave, they help us exchange for euro at the airport. So no worries about money. All the older Anziani have left and were the oldest now and its really weird and so exciting at the same time. We get a new group in tomorrow and hopefully we'll get some Romans. The majority of all Anziani are going to Mulan, its about a 5/1 ratio. Oh yeah, on Tuesday Elder M Russell Ballard came and spoke to us and he told us we were to email you this week mom and dad and tell you thank you on behalf of the first presidency and the quorum of the twelve. He gave an amazing talk. It was about having a fire of a desire to serve the Lord and to spread the gospel to the world. I was so fired up by the end!! he should make special guest appearances and speak to football teams before they play, haha he's awesome! But anyways i love you all and hope all is well. I miss you guys like crazy, but I'm so grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord. Keep the letters comin!Love Anziano Koozer


Bailey and Wills said...

haha! At least he recognizes his brown nosing ways! If he can figure out how to work the language and the people, I wouldn't be surprised if he baptized the pope!He's THAT good!

Morris Fam said...

Love it!!!!

Koozer Motto

Never eat on an empty stomach

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