Tuesday, May 26, 2009

week 8

Hey Everyone!How is everyone doing? Thank you so much for the letters you send me every week, its great to hear that there is still a real world out side of the compound. Things have been going great here! I got my flight plans this last Thursday, and i am SOOO pumped!! We leave Tues. morning at 4:00am, and land in Rome at 12:30 in the afternoon. Umm yeah can any one say Dramamine? I have a hard time driving to River Bend, I have no idea how I'm going to stomach such a long flight. But i sent a bunch of pictures in the mail today, along with my flight plans so you all can see and check it all out. I'm pretty excited because we stop in London, and have a 2 hour layover. I also have a 4-5 hour layover in Chicago, which is when i want to call everyone. I talked to our Mission president and he actually recommending we call in the airport while were waiting. SO i would love to talk to the whole family, but i need you to to do one thing, i need you to try to get me a calling card by Monday. SO if your going to mail it, it needs to be in the mail by Thursday morning. I would love to talk as long as you'd like so try to get an hour or more and that way i could talk to everyone. If things don't work out don't worry, I'm sure i could find a change machine or a phone that takes a debt card. So that's pretty much been the big exciting news this last week. Yesterday i taught in the TRC for the last time, and i taught the second lesson in Italian. It was such an amazing experience. We have been working SO hard this week to make our last teaching experience a good one. We even made a sweet puzzle to go with the lesson. All i want is to get to the point where i don't have to think about how I'm going to say things, but rather what I'm going to say. And this time in the TRC, that's exactly whats happened. I been praying so hard this last week for help with the language, and i can testify to you all that God's hand really is in all all that we do. As we went in to our teaching appointment we prayed as a companionship before, then i said a prayer in my heart and Asked heavenly Father to fill my mouth as i made the effort to teach his Gospel, and we went in and taught the best lesson I've ever taught here. Not because of me, or because of my companion but because the lord Filled my mouth and guided our lesson by the Holy Ghost. I have never ever ever understood or or spoke the language like i did in that lesson, not once did i get stuck looking for a word in Italian. It was such a testimony builder to me. But my times out so i need to go go but i love you all. Anziano Koozer

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