Sister Acerson sent this email and pictures...BLESS HER....I'm sure it will be a while before we see some pictures from Buddy! :0)
They are pointing to the area they have been assigned to serve, Pescara, Italy.

Anziano Koozer in Rome at the Mission home.
Image by francoventoso (www.websignature.it) via Flickr
Image by francoventoso (www.websignature.it) via Flickr

Dear Brother and Sister Koozer,
We are so grateful to have your son serving in our mission! He is happy and confident and excited about talking to people already! In fact, they went out last night with the assistants to do a little tracting and talked to a man about the church. He came back so excited that he said he wouldn't be able to sleep! (Of course the next morning he said he was asleep within seconds.) He will be a great asset to our mission and we thank you for your sacrifice in letting him serve the Lord and the people here in Italy for the next 22 months.
I have attached some pictures of him that we took today: one with President Acerson and I, one with the group, one with his new companion, Elder Bennett from Canada, and a few others. He will be serving in Pescara across the peninsula from Rome and we know he will have great missionary experiences there.
I have also attached a document that will tell you how to mail letters and packages to him. If you have any questions about this or anything else, please feel free to email me.
Thank you for raising such a fine young man who is completely ready and prepared to serve.
Sister (and President) Acerson
We are so grateful to have your son serving in our mission! He is happy and confident and excited about talking to people already! In fact, they went out last night with the assistants to do a little tracting and talked to a man about the church. He came back so excited that he said he wouldn't be able to sleep! (Of course the next morning he said he was asleep within seconds.) He will be a great asset to our mission and we thank you for your sacrifice in letting him serve the Lord and the people here in Italy for the next 22 months.
I have attached some pictures of him that we took today: one with President Acerson and I, one with the group, one with his new companion, Elder Bennett from Canada, and a few others. He will be serving in Pescara across the peninsula from Rome and we know he will have great missionary experiences there.
I have also attached a document that will tell you how to mail letters and packages to him. If you have any questions about this or anything else, please feel free to email me.
Thank you for raising such a fine young man who is completely ready and prepared to serve.
Sister (and President) Acerson