Holiday in Italy - The Beautiful Island of Sardinia
It will be more than a holiday for Elder Koozer. He is being transferred there as Zone Leader.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey everyone thanks so much for the emails and prayers. And thank you so much Mom for all the pictures, it looks like you guys have been having so much fun! Its crazy how big everyone is getting, especially Monson and Aiana. ( that's the Italian spelling of her name, not quite sure what the English spelling is...) But anyways I have had a wonderful week, and finally were able to get Fulvio dunked, and confirmed a member of the Church. This is the first time that I have seen the whole process of conversion. With someone that I met on the street all the way through their confirmation. And I have to say that in all my years of Music and success with sports and thrills of games and awards that I’ve received, there is no greater feeling or sense of accomplishment that I’ve have ever felt in my life that can compare to the feelings I had while watching one of my brothers from the pre-earth life discover, and apply the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ into his life and enter into the Covenant of baptism. As I laid my hands on his head and confirmed him a member of the church I could feel the Spirit radiating through me like fire and through circle of priesthood holders and into Fulvio. Words cannot express my emotions and more than anything my love for Fulvio, and for our Heavenly Father and for his divine plan of salvation which he created for every single one of us. The World seemed to Disappear in that moment and my understanding of the gospel and my purpose in life just seemed so much clearer. Through the mission there have been some really hard times and discouraging days and weeks, but if this is all the success I will ever see for the rest of my time here in Italy It was worth every single moment. Right now I'm actually sending this email from the other side of Italy, I'm in a city called Livorno. We had to come here to pick up some legal documents for my companion so we went on a road trip. We stopped in Rome and Pisa and I got a cool picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, ha-ha its pretty sweet, ill send you all a post card. We are heading back to Napoli at 3 this afternoon and will be stuck on the train for another 6 hours....yuck. But its been great reading time, I’ve read almost half of the book "The Miracle of Forgiveness" which is seriously the greatest book ever!! its a total gut wrencher and makes you want to be perfect, which I always a good thing. But anyways I Love you all so much and look forward to hearing from you all next week!
Aniznao Koozer
Ps- Imp totally cool with the whole Tia thing now. Thanks for all the support and advice.
PS- Ummm ok would you guys be able to send me Pres. Lewis's home address? ha-ha no but seriously...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Pray for the Campana Family
Hey Everyone!
Mom thank you so much for the pictures you sent me! haha oh my goodness the pictures of Monson and Sophia are both SO stinkin cute! I'm sad you guys still don't have Sophia and her brother but it sounds like your having fun with Gracie.
Man I miss Gooburr! those pictures made me laugh, I bet you guys had a lot of fun with the chair hockey and the ward. We are so lucky to have wards and real buildings to meet in, in the US. Here we meet in an apartment building.... But the members don't know anything different so I guess its cool. I'm just glad we have somewhere to meet. In L'Aquila after the earth quake the members had to meet in a tent, so I'm sure not complaining about the apartment building.
Dane, way to go with getting athlete of the year that's sweet! I cant believe your finishing 8th grade I thought you were just starting 7th? You guys are growing up way too fast...
Cade that is the sweetest project ever that you did for school! haha and its funny that you waited till the last weekend to do it, it reminded me of Brian Regan...hahaha. I'm sure the missionaries you interviewed were just loving it too. And I liked your pictures from prom, your such a stud!
Speaking of pictures I'm glad you got my pictures I sent home. We have been having a blast here and I'm so glad you guys can see some of the stuff that we have been doing. Mom to answer your question about the house you saw in the video, its the nicest missionary apartment in Italy. Its in the richest part of Napoli in an area called Volmero. It was the dream house of the family that owned it before us and the family was so sad to let it go. Brother Borrelli who owned it before us does just about everything when it comes to work, and also works for the church.
But anyways, we had another great week here in Napoli. We had our very last Zone conference with President and sister Acerson which was so sad.... I love them so much and have learned and grown so much from them. Its going to be so sad to watch them leave. This next transfer is going to be crazy! We're going to be taking over all of the Catania mission and will be getting a new president on top of it all. Everyone has been referring to this transfer as the Dooms-day transfer because if your in a city that will be taken over by the Milan mission you'll become a part of that mission for the rest of your time in Italy. Thank goodness I'm as far away as you can get from the Milan Mission right now, but there is no guarantee that I wont get transferred. We'll just have to wait and see how things play out.
We started the quit smoking program with the sweetest family last week and so far we are on day 5 and they are still holding strong. If they make it we'll be baptising an incredible family which will help our branch so much. They are the Campana Family, and they need all the prayers they can get so please pray for them that they will have the strength to stay strong and finish their program, and continue on the road to baptism.
Its been incredible seeing the hand of the Lord in our work. As certain doors close there are always new ones opening and i am so grateful to my heavenly father for his guidance in our work. Sometimes you think you've got things figured out and you think you know exactly what you want and need to do but the Lord is always there to correct your course and take you in the direction he wants you to go. Its a concept I've had to learn and try to understand since I've been here and the more i understand the incredible plan that God has created for us the smoother life has been. Ive realized fighting for my own way instead of readily accepting the will of the Lord only leads to unhappiness and difficulty. So I've really been trying to be more receptive to the spirit and easily moldable in the hands of the God. The work is going forward, and I'm am so grateful to be a part of this work. I love you all back at home and am grateful for all your thoughts and prayers. I hope to hear from you next week!
Man I miss Gooburr! those pictures made me laugh, I bet you guys had a lot of fun with the chair hockey and the ward. We are so lucky to have wards and real buildings to meet in, in the US. Here we meet in an apartment building.... But the members don't know anything different so I guess its cool. I'm just glad we have somewhere to meet. In L'Aquila after the earth quake the members had to meet in a tent, so I'm sure not complaining about the apartment building.
Dane, way to go with getting athlete of the year that's sweet! I cant believe your finishing 8th grade I thought you were just starting 7th? You guys are growing up way too fast...
Cade that is the sweetest project ever that you did for school! haha and its funny that you waited till the last weekend to do it, it reminded me of Brian Regan...hahaha. I'm sure the missionaries you interviewed were just loving it too. And I liked your pictures from prom, your such a stud!
Speaking of pictures I'm glad you got my pictures I sent home. We have been having a blast here and I'm so glad you guys can see some of the stuff that we have been doing. Mom to answer your question about the house you saw in the video, its the nicest missionary apartment in Italy. Its in the richest part of Napoli in an area called Volmero. It was the dream house of the family that owned it before us and the family was so sad to let it go. Brother Borrelli who owned it before us does just about everything when it comes to work, and also works for the church.
But anyways, we had another great week here in Napoli. We had our very last Zone conference with President and sister Acerson which was so sad.... I love them so much and have learned and grown so much from them. Its going to be so sad to watch them leave. This next transfer is going to be crazy! We're going to be taking over all of the Catania mission and will be getting a new president on top of it all. Everyone has been referring to this transfer as the Dooms-day transfer because if your in a city that will be taken over by the Milan mission you'll become a part of that mission for the rest of your time in Italy. Thank goodness I'm as far away as you can get from the Milan Mission right now, but there is no guarantee that I wont get transferred. We'll just have to wait and see how things play out.
We started the quit smoking program with the sweetest family last week and so far we are on day 5 and they are still holding strong. If they make it we'll be baptising an incredible family which will help our branch so much. They are the Campana Family, and they need all the prayers they can get so please pray for them that they will have the strength to stay strong and finish their program, and continue on the road to baptism.
Its been incredible seeing the hand of the Lord in our work. As certain doors close there are always new ones opening and i am so grateful to my heavenly father for his guidance in our work. Sometimes you think you've got things figured out and you think you know exactly what you want and need to do but the Lord is always there to correct your course and take you in the direction he wants you to go. Its a concept I've had to learn and try to understand since I've been here and the more i understand the incredible plan that God has created for us the smoother life has been. Ive realized fighting for my own way instead of readily accepting the will of the Lord only leads to unhappiness and difficulty. So I've really been trying to be more receptive to the spirit and easily moldable in the hands of the God. The work is going forward, and I'm am so grateful to be a part of this work. I love you all back at home and am grateful for all your thoughts and prayers. I hope to hear from you next week!
Anziano Koozer
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hey Everyone!
Thanks for the emails I got this week, it was so good hearing from everyone. Cade it sounds like your in for a sweet summer! Your gonna have so much fun on that hike, especially with all the Harris 2nd crew, they are the best.
I'm glad you guys like the new school you plan on attending. All I have to say though is Cade if you swim you better kick some trash....ha ha no I'm sure you'll do great!
Dad, isn't it weird how Life is like that sometimes. When you just wish God would give you a personal Liahona or something to tell you exactly what to do in all the questions of life. Ive felt like that a few times in my mission and Ive found the answer to my questions EVERY single time from the scriptures or from being obedient to the Gospel and the covenants that Ive made.
Ive never had to worry about buying or selling houses or trying to raise a family so i don't really have any idea of what i could tell you, but i can say that through exact obedience to the commandments and covenants you have made you will be worthy to be guided by the Holy Ghost which is the greatest gift and guide that we have been given in this life. Through this gift the secrets of life and and ALL things can be made known as to the things that we must do.
I really enjoyed the talk this conference when a brother was talking about placing missionaries in their assigned fields with Pres. Eyring and listening to the spirit to decide where they needed to go. The 1st time the man was asked what he felt he said the wrong place and Pres. Eyring lovingly told him that he needed to pay closer attention to the spirit. After focusing more the 2nd time he was asked he was ready and in tune with the Spirit, and he was guided to exactly the right mission. IT was a great talk and it really hit me hard on the importance of listening more closely to the prompting we receive.
Well I've had a great week, and have been super busy. My companion and i are completely wiped from all the running around we have been doing but its such a gratifying feeling. Its a good kinda tired that comes from giving it your all and knowing your doing the right thing. The Lord had been blessing us with success and the work is moving forward. We have a baptism with a man named Fulvio right around the corner and we are all excited for him and have been working hard to get him ready for his big day. He drove to church on his scooter in the rain this last week and he lives about an hour from the church. His faith and desire to do what is right is incredible and i look up to him so much.
We also have been working on helping a bunch of our investigators quit smoking....We have a quit smoking program that works in 7 days and its been interesting to see how it works. If we can overcome come the smoking problem, we'll have 17 new candidates for baptism..... so we are praying that these investigators will find the motivation to quit.
I'm healthy, happy and loving life. I couldn't be happier anywhere else and I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow through serving his children here in Italy. Thanks for all the prayers, emails and support. Ill hear from you all next week!
I'm glad you guys like the new school you plan on attending. All I have to say though is Cade if you swim you better kick some trash....ha ha no I'm sure you'll do great!
Dad, isn't it weird how Life is like that sometimes. When you just wish God would give you a personal Liahona or something to tell you exactly what to do in all the questions of life. Ive felt like that a few times in my mission and Ive found the answer to my questions EVERY single time from the scriptures or from being obedient to the Gospel and the covenants that Ive made.
Ive never had to worry about buying or selling houses or trying to raise a family so i don't really have any idea of what i could tell you, but i can say that through exact obedience to the commandments and covenants you have made you will be worthy to be guided by the Holy Ghost which is the greatest gift and guide that we have been given in this life. Through this gift the secrets of life and and ALL things can be made known as to the things that we must do.
I really enjoyed the talk this conference when a brother was talking about placing missionaries in their assigned fields with Pres. Eyring and listening to the spirit to decide where they needed to go. The 1st time the man was asked what he felt he said the wrong place and Pres. Eyring lovingly told him that he needed to pay closer attention to the spirit. After focusing more the 2nd time he was asked he was ready and in tune with the Spirit, and he was guided to exactly the right mission. IT was a great talk and it really hit me hard on the importance of listening more closely to the prompting we receive.
Well I've had a great week, and have been super busy. My companion and i are completely wiped from all the running around we have been doing but its such a gratifying feeling. Its a good kinda tired that comes from giving it your all and knowing your doing the right thing. The Lord had been blessing us with success and the work is moving forward. We have a baptism with a man named Fulvio right around the corner and we are all excited for him and have been working hard to get him ready for his big day. He drove to church on his scooter in the rain this last week and he lives about an hour from the church. His faith and desire to do what is right is incredible and i look up to him so much.
We also have been working on helping a bunch of our investigators quit smoking....We have a quit smoking program that works in 7 days and its been interesting to see how it works. If we can overcome come the smoking problem, we'll have 17 new candidates for baptism..... so we are praying that these investigators will find the motivation to quit.
I'm healthy, happy and loving life. I couldn't be happier anywhere else and I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow through serving his children here in Italy. Thanks for all the prayers, emails and support. Ill hear from you all next week!
Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Windows Live Hotmail
"Ciao tutti,
I hope everyone is having an awesome spring break! And happy birthday again Dane and Emmett I sure love and miss you guys!
Things have been going good this last week and the work is moving forward. It kinda been a weird schedule this week because I went on exchanges with the zone leader this week and we had a blast. Our zone leaders are so much fun! I really enjoy watching and working with successful missionaries, there is so much I need to learn....Its kinda weird how that works; the more I learn and understand the more I realize I don't know anything! But I'm trying my best.
We have been working more with the pizza man and he's really loving the book of Mormon which is usually a great sign...ha ha he has also been hooking us up with sweet pizza deals too the more he learns and likes what we're teaching him. He's the man!
This week we want to set a baptismal date with a woman that we are teaching, her name is Pilar and she is doing so great!! If you guys could pray for her, that would be awesome. She is sooo close and I know all its gonna take is a little faith, a few good,powerful lessons and she be totally ready.
Other than that not much has been going on, Its finally warming up, thank goodness, so I think today with my bday cash we are going to go through all the museums and see everything Firenze has to offer. Speaking of cash, I am soooo sorry about my taxes! I had no idea I would owe that much! That was kinda one of the downfalls from that job is that they didn't take out any taxes automatically, so it makes sense why I owned my right arm and first child.....sorry.
Well I hope everyone is healthy and happy and has a great week. I love you all and hope to heat from you next week!
Love Anziano Koozer"
I hope everyone is having an awesome spring break! And happy birthday again Dane and Emmett I sure love and miss you guys!
Things have been going good this last week and the work is moving forward. It kinda been a weird schedule this week because I went on exchanges with the zone leader this week and we had a blast. Our zone leaders are so much fun! I really enjoy watching and working with successful missionaries, there is so much I need to learn....Its kinda weird how that works; the more I learn and understand the more I realize I don't know anything! But I'm trying my best.
We have been working more with the pizza man and he's really loving the book of Mormon which is usually a great sign...ha ha he has also been hooking us up with sweet pizza deals too the more he learns and likes what we're teaching him. He's the man!
This week we want to set a baptismal date with a woman that we are teaching, her name is Pilar and she is doing so great!! If you guys could pray for her, that would be awesome. She is sooo close and I know all its gonna take is a little faith, a few good,powerful lessons and she be totally ready.
Other than that not much has been going on, Its finally warming up, thank goodness, so I think today with my bday cash we are going to go through all the museums and see everything Firenze has to offer. Speaking of cash, I am soooo sorry about my taxes! I had no idea I would owe that much! That was kinda one of the downfalls from that job is that they didn't take out any taxes automatically, so it makes sense why I owned my right arm and first child.....sorry.
Well I hope everyone is healthy and happy and has a great week. I love you all and hope to heat from you next week!
Love Anziano Koozer"
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
"Ciao Tutti,
Hey thank you so much for the pictures you sent! Monson looks sooo cute! ha ha oh man i miss you guys and wish i could see him in real life.... But any ways things are going great here in Firenze.
We received transfer calls and my companion is getting transferred to L'Aquila and I'll be staying here with an incredible missionary named Anziano Nielson. Ive met him before and I'm super duper excited to serve with him, he is the nicest guy!
The work has been going good, we have a baptism coming up on the 20th so we are all way excited for that! We have been focusing a lot of our time on finding and reactivating in-active members which has been a blast! This last week we had 3 big inactive families show up that we have been working with. They are such wonderful people, they just needed a little lovin... And that's about it for this week.
Mom you didn't answer my question about pizza bombs yet, I would love to know how to make them.
I also wanted to tell Grandma ....TANTI AUGURI A TE!!!!!!!! BUON COMPLEANNO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA I LOVE YOU!!!! I hope you you had a great birthday! Well my time is about up, but I love you all and will talk to you all next week!
Anziano Koozer"
Hey thank you so much for the pictures you sent! Monson looks sooo cute! ha ha oh man i miss you guys and wish i could see him in real life.... But any ways things are going great here in Firenze.
We received transfer calls and my companion is getting transferred to L'Aquila and I'll be staying here with an incredible missionary named Anziano Nielson. Ive met him before and I'm super duper excited to serve with him, he is the nicest guy!
The work has been going good, we have a baptism coming up on the 20th so we are all way excited for that! We have been focusing a lot of our time on finding and reactivating in-active members which has been a blast! This last week we had 3 big inactive families show up that we have been working with. They are such wonderful people, they just needed a little lovin... And that's about it for this week.
Mom you didn't answer my question about pizza bombs yet, I would love to know how to make them.
I also wanted to tell Grandma ....TANTI AUGURI A TE!!!!!!!! BUON COMPLEANNO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA I LOVE YOU!!!! I hope you you had a great birthday! Well my time is about up, but I love you all and will talk to you all next week!
Anziano Koozer"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This has been the weirdest week of my mission by far!!!!! I still cant believe you CALLED me!!!!!!! hahahahaha I'm on my MISSION and you CALLED me! I'm pretty sure I understand why that's a rule now.... I'm not gonna lie it was really really really distracting, but after all so is the fact that my only sister just gave birth to the first nephew and grand kid of the family!
WOW.....what a week! Those pictures were soooo cool to see the little guy and everyone together, I sure miss you all and wish I could have been there with all of you...... you little boys need to teach Monson the ropes like how to wrestle and be tough ok? Congratulations Bailey and Wills, I love you all so very much and am sending you both a huge Long distance hug all the way here from Firenze Italy!
Not much new here on this side of the world.... I look forward to hearing more from you all and seeing more pictures! I'm so glad you got the stuff I sent home, especially the pictures! I have no idea what the easiest way to do all the pictures would be, could you send that memory card back to me? I want to keep that one with me cus it still has all my old pictures on it.
Hey I have one question, how do you make Pizza bombs? I want the recipe and exactly how you make them cus I want to make them here but substitute way better ingredients that are available.... Thanks a ton!
Love you all,Anziano Koozer
WOW.....what a week! Those pictures were soooo cool to see the little guy and everyone together, I sure miss you all and wish I could have been there with all of you...... you little boys need to teach Monson the ropes like how to wrestle and be tough ok? Congratulations Bailey and Wills, I love you all so very much and am sending you both a huge Long distance hug all the way here from Firenze Italy!
Not much new here on this side of the world.... I look forward to hearing more from you all and seeing more pictures! I'm so glad you got the stuff I sent home, especially the pictures! I have no idea what the easiest way to do all the pictures would be, could you send that memory card back to me? I want to keep that one with me cus it still has all my old pictures on it.
Hey I have one question, how do you make Pizza bombs? I want the recipe and exactly how you make them cus I want to make them here but substitute way better ingredients that are available.... Thanks a ton!
Love you all,Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ready for some sunshine!
Ciao tutti,
Hey thank you so much for the awesome pictures you sent me I loved getting to see the family and all the fun stuff you guys are doing! Everyone is changing so much, its crazy to see the little boys not being so little anymore. Cade is a beast now, Dane is my mini me, and Emmett is growing up so fast, he looks like one of the big boys now.
That snow looked like so much fun to play in, just wait till you all see my snow pictures of Florence that I'm sending. Which by the way I scratched the package idea... I'm just gonna send a bunch of manila envelopes, you would be surprised to see what you can fit in one of those things! Italy's mail system is quite interesting to say the least....SO I'll just slap a 60 cent stamp on there and stuff it in the mail box and you should get it no problem.
It wasn't a super exciting week this week. It was a lot of just street contacting and teaching. nothing really out of the ordinary... Our investigators are doing good we're not quite ready for any baptisms that's for sure but people are progressing and the work is going forward.
Its been really cold lately, and has been raining almost every day. I'm ready for some SUNSHINE! Well that's about it for today, I love you all so much and hope to hear from you next week!
Love, Anziano Koozer
Hey thank you so much for the awesome pictures you sent me I loved getting to see the family and all the fun stuff you guys are doing! Everyone is changing so much, its crazy to see the little boys not being so little anymore. Cade is a beast now, Dane is my mini me, and Emmett is growing up so fast, he looks like one of the big boys now.
That snow looked like so much fun to play in, just wait till you all see my snow pictures of Florence that I'm sending. Which by the way I scratched the package idea... I'm just gonna send a bunch of manila envelopes, you would be surprised to see what you can fit in one of those things! Italy's mail system is quite interesting to say the least....SO I'll just slap a 60 cent stamp on there and stuff it in the mail box and you should get it no problem.
It wasn't a super exciting week this week. It was a lot of just street contacting and teaching. nothing really out of the ordinary... Our investigators are doing good we're not quite ready for any baptisms that's for sure but people are progressing and the work is going forward.
Its been really cold lately, and has been raining almost every day. I'm ready for some SUNSHINE! Well that's about it for today, I love you all so much and hope to hear from you next week!
Love, Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Ciao Tutti,
Hey everyone I hope your all doing great! Cade it sounds like you did a great job with your talk in church, dude you totally should have flexed though! I would have done it back in the day but not any more I'm totally fat now... the members feed us way too much pasta haha.
I hope the flu passes quickly for you all, the Lord sure blesses us missionaries and keeps us strong and healthy. I haven't had any health problems yet and I'm doing all I can to stay strong.
It sounds like the ward is changing quite a bit, by the time i get home I'm not going to recognize anyone from the ward. I'm sure gonna miss the Greer's hopefully they don't move too far away...
Dad I know your B-day is coming up soon so I'm gonna be sending you all a package to cover everyone B-days and holidays for the year, it will be way easier that way especially since I'm in Florence with the markets and everything.
Well I had a great week this week, we had a lot of fun. This last week our apartment had a finding competition where all the church resources we handed out were worth a certain amount of points and so were new investigators and phone numbers we received. Lets just say things got pretty heated in the competition especially since you all know how much a hate losing. The losers had to buy a pizza for the winning companionship and got bragging rights. For all of you who don't know, finding work in Italy is tough.....REALLY REALLY TOUGH, like i would say a week of football camp is easier than a week of looking for new investigators in the streets of Italy. With that said here are the combined numbers that our 2 companionship's pulled in for the week; we received 57 phone numbers and addresses, we gave out 82 copies of the Book of Mormon, and well over 100 pamphlets. IT came down to the last night and unfortunately the other companionship beat us.....which i was kinda bitter about.
Reporting these numbers to the Zone leaders we were informed that we had set the all time mission high for the entire mission with the numbers we had! Monday was Zone conference and were asked to stand up and tell everyone what happened. It was so cool we talked about true potential and finding the fire within, it was sweet!
On Sunday I too had give a talk in sacrament, and I spoke on repentance. All went really well and my Italian wasn't too terrible either. I'm sure grateful to my companion for being so patient with me and helping me soo much , he's really helping me take it to the next level.
So far this week we have just been setting appointments with all the people we contacted from last week and are re cooping for next week cus we are challenging the other district and the zone leaders and the sisters to the finding competition, there are 4 of us against the 8 of them and we are totally gonna kick their trash! haha!
I'm totally jealous your all going up to the Pinedale, I really miss going on family trips up to the cabins and to Riverbend. But time really is flying and i know my time is short here and so I'm taking advantage of every second. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you all next week!
PS- Good luck with the baby shower! Hurray for Monson!
Love Anziano Koozer
Hey everyone I hope your all doing great! Cade it sounds like you did a great job with your talk in church, dude you totally should have flexed though! I would have done it back in the day but not any more I'm totally fat now... the members feed us way too much pasta haha.
I hope the flu passes quickly for you all, the Lord sure blesses us missionaries and keeps us strong and healthy. I haven't had any health problems yet and I'm doing all I can to stay strong.
It sounds like the ward is changing quite a bit, by the time i get home I'm not going to recognize anyone from the ward. I'm sure gonna miss the Greer's hopefully they don't move too far away...
Dad I know your B-day is coming up soon so I'm gonna be sending you all a package to cover everyone B-days and holidays for the year, it will be way easier that way especially since I'm in Florence with the markets and everything.
Well I had a great week this week, we had a lot of fun. This last week our apartment had a finding competition where all the church resources we handed out were worth a certain amount of points and so were new investigators and phone numbers we received. Lets just say things got pretty heated in the competition especially since you all know how much a hate losing. The losers had to buy a pizza for the winning companionship and got bragging rights. For all of you who don't know, finding work in Italy is tough.....REALLY REALLY TOUGH, like i would say a week of football camp is easier than a week of looking for new investigators in the streets of Italy. With that said here are the combined numbers that our 2 companionship's pulled in for the week; we received 57 phone numbers and addresses, we gave out 82 copies of the Book of Mormon, and well over 100 pamphlets. IT came down to the last night and unfortunately the other companionship beat us.....which i was kinda bitter about.
Reporting these numbers to the Zone leaders we were informed that we had set the all time mission high for the entire mission with the numbers we had! Monday was Zone conference and were asked to stand up and tell everyone what happened. It was so cool we talked about true potential and finding the fire within, it was sweet!
On Sunday I too had give a talk in sacrament, and I spoke on repentance. All went really well and my Italian wasn't too terrible either. I'm sure grateful to my companion for being so patient with me and helping me soo much , he's really helping me take it to the next level.
So far this week we have just been setting appointments with all the people we contacted from last week and are re cooping for next week cus we are challenging the other district and the zone leaders and the sisters to the finding competition, there are 4 of us against the 8 of them and we are totally gonna kick their trash! haha!
I'm totally jealous your all going up to the Pinedale, I really miss going on family trips up to the cabins and to Riverbend. But time really is flying and i know my time is short here and so I'm taking advantage of every second. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you all next week!
PS- Good luck with the baby shower! Hurray for Monson!
Love Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
New Years in Italy is Nuts!
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for your emails this week, it was so great hearing from you all. It sounds like your all super busy and having so much fun! ha ha no worries with missing email last week mom its totally fine.
So DAD wrote an autobiography? I WANT ONE! Send it to me for my birthday along with peanut butter and beef jerky.
I haven't done any shopping in the markets yet Iwas gonna wait a week or two and gets some more pictures of stuff and wait till all the party season is over cus Italy is still on Holiday and its a pain trying to get around with all the messed up bus schedules and with everything closed. So I'll prob put something together in a few weeks.
I'm so excited for Bailey and for the baby from what I hear from Tia its gonna be a SWEEEET baby shower!!! Its good Cade is getting his Eagle together he'll be so glad when its done. Emmett thanks for emailing me it sounds like your doing awesome keep working hard ciccio! Dad isn't that book so good? I read it in Italian and it is awesome! I learned so much!
Well this week was pretty low key... We had to stay in our apartment new years eve and new years cus its dangerous to be out and they don't want us getting in trouble. Italian New Years parties are absolutely nuts, it was like a war Zone looking off our balcony cus anyone can buy the huge fire woks we watch as shows from far away and they light them off in the middle of the streets and wherever they want. Its complete madness..... Then a few days ago my comp rolled his ankle playing basket ball and it swelled up the size of a softball and turned black and purple so our finding work lately has consisted of sitting on buses and trains talking to people, which actually hasn't been bad at all we have been seeing quite a bit of success.
With the new years we have all started new goals and one of the main ones is trying to get unfat... so Ive been nominated by the apartment to be the district trainer. So Ive put everyone on a strict new diet and exercise plan and things have been going great. I also tried doing my 40 day English fast and broke after 2 days.....My comp and I were ready to kill each other due to lack of communication and misunderstanding hahaha so now we just are speaking Italian out of the house and during our hour of language study. Our investigators are doing awesome we have been having some really fun lessons. Well my times about up so I need to go but I love you all and will talk to you all next week!!!!
Thank you so much for your emails this week, it was so great hearing from you all. It sounds like your all super busy and having so much fun! ha ha no worries with missing email last week mom its totally fine.
So DAD wrote an autobiography? I WANT ONE! Send it to me for my birthday along with peanut butter and beef jerky.
I haven't done any shopping in the markets yet Iwas gonna wait a week or two and gets some more pictures of stuff and wait till all the party season is over cus Italy is still on Holiday and its a pain trying to get around with all the messed up bus schedules and with everything closed. So I'll prob put something together in a few weeks.
I'm so excited for Bailey and for the baby from what I hear from Tia its gonna be a SWEEEET baby shower!!! Its good Cade is getting his Eagle together he'll be so glad when its done. Emmett thanks for emailing me it sounds like your doing awesome keep working hard ciccio! Dad isn't that book so good? I read it in Italian and it is awesome! I learned so much!
Well this week was pretty low key... We had to stay in our apartment new years eve and new years cus its dangerous to be out and they don't want us getting in trouble. Italian New Years parties are absolutely nuts, it was like a war Zone looking off our balcony cus anyone can buy the huge fire woks we watch as shows from far away and they light them off in the middle of the streets and wherever they want. Its complete madness..... Then a few days ago my comp rolled his ankle playing basket ball and it swelled up the size of a softball and turned black and purple so our finding work lately has consisted of sitting on buses and trains talking to people, which actually hasn't been bad at all we have been seeing quite a bit of success.
With the new years we have all started new goals and one of the main ones is trying to get unfat... so Ive been nominated by the apartment to be the district trainer. So Ive put everyone on a strict new diet and exercise plan and things have been going great. I also tried doing my 40 day English fast and broke after 2 days.....My comp and I were ready to kill each other due to lack of communication and misunderstanding hahaha so now we just are speaking Italian out of the house and during our hour of language study. Our investigators are doing awesome we have been having some really fun lessons. Well my times about up so I need to go but I love you all and will talk to you all next week!!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Snow in Firenze!!!
SO this week the coolest thing snowed here in Firenze!!!!! That's like it snowing in MESA! It started as just a few falling flakes and turned into a huge storm and ended up dropping about 7 inches. The whole city pretty much shut down which was kinda a mess because no one knew what to do with the snow. But it was a blast the morning after the storm my companion and i hiked to the top of the city and got some sweet pictures of snow covered Florence.
The work has been going good this week, we've been starting to see some success especially with the members. I love teaching the gospel with all my heart and wouldn't want to be any where else in the world right now.
We hand interviews with president Acerson this Monday and he brought me my package that you all sent! I'm sorry i couldn't help myself and i opened it up as soon as I got home.... Thank you sooooooooo much for the music- you guys have no idea how perfect it all was. hahaha dad you make me crack up so hard,with the whole Goobur Archeleta thing, hahahah oh my goodness!
SO my companion and i got permission to call home on Christmas from a members house if we buy a calling card so ill be calling from my branch presidents house at about 5pm-6pm my time. Double check the time difference because we are on daylight savings right now and everything so I'm not sure exactly what time it will be for you guys in AZ. Like I said we'll be spending the day with President Ferrini and his family so I'm really excited it should be an awesome day of eating eating eating and lots of games and fun. Ill buy a calling card from a tabaccheria I'm not sure what that is in English, a cigarette store we would call it and it should only be like 5 euro for 2 hours, so we'll get to talk for good amount of time. but anyways i love you all so much am I'm thrilled to get to talk to you guys in just a few days!!!!
LoveAnziano Koozer
SO this week the coolest thing snowed here in Firenze!!!!! That's like it snowing in MESA! It started as just a few falling flakes and turned into a huge storm and ended up dropping about 7 inches. The whole city pretty much shut down which was kinda a mess because no one knew what to do with the snow. But it was a blast the morning after the storm my companion and i hiked to the top of the city and got some sweet pictures of snow covered Florence.
The work has been going good this week, we've been starting to see some success especially with the members. I love teaching the gospel with all my heart and wouldn't want to be any where else in the world right now.
We hand interviews with president Acerson this Monday and he brought me my package that you all sent! I'm sorry i couldn't help myself and i opened it up as soon as I got home.... Thank you sooooooooo much for the music- you guys have no idea how perfect it all was. hahaha dad you make me crack up so hard,with the whole Goobur Archeleta thing, hahahah oh my goodness!
SO my companion and i got permission to call home on Christmas from a members house if we buy a calling card so ill be calling from my branch presidents house at about 5pm-6pm my time. Double check the time difference because we are on daylight savings right now and everything so I'm not sure exactly what time it will be for you guys in AZ. Like I said we'll be spending the day with President Ferrini and his family so I'm really excited it should be an awesome day of eating eating eating and lots of games and fun. Ill buy a calling card from a tabaccheria I'm not sure what that is in English, a cigarette store we would call it and it should only be like 5 euro for 2 hours, so we'll get to talk for good amount of time. but anyways i love you all so much am I'm thrilled to get to talk to you guys in just a few days!!!!
LoveAnziano Koozer
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
so many foreigners
I just hit update on my email account and your email popped up. I'm usually not emailing this late so I'm really glad i caught you. IT sounds like you all had a great time with the birthdays this week, thanks so much for helping me out.
SO your all done with the classes huh? How many kids are we getting, and do they have special needs? Its awesome you all are doing this.
Well, Ive had a great week here. It has been absolutely FREEZING this week! The work has been going good we are working with a Brazilian family, a Philippine family, a Peruvian family,and a half Italian family as well. I had no idea there were so many foreigners here. We have really been focusing all our finding efforts on ITALIAN families but its pretty tough finding anyone that is humble enough to stop and listen, let alone change. SO we have changed our mode of attack to working through and with every member family in the branch.
We've been booking out our weeks with member appointments and have been doing everything we can to gain the trust of the members and have been showing them that we can teach. We have been doing service for them, and helping with anything and everything to gain good solid relationships. Through these new relationships of trust we will be lead to a whole new world of contacts and potential investigators which are all the friends of the members.
So far things have been going great, we have members that are starting to call us now and we are really seeing a difference. I'm starting to understand what people meant when they would say that the mission is one of the hardest but most rewarding times of their lives. We been striking out you could say with our own personal finding work. Its been really really tough.... the people here are so lost and confused, if only they knew what we know, if only they would open their hearts and listen. Satan has been working overtime here in Europe, I'm just glad we know how its all gonna end. Every time someone shuts us down or slams a door in our faces, it just adds fuel to my fire of wanting someone to stop and listen. I know the elect are out there, I just need to find them!
Well i love you all and I'm so excited to get to talk NEXT week! I'll let you know what time I'll be calling next week when I email we need to check some things out before i know for sure....Thanks for the email, miss you!
Love Anziano Koozer
I just hit update on my email account and your email popped up. I'm usually not emailing this late so I'm really glad i caught you. IT sounds like you all had a great time with the birthdays this week, thanks so much for helping me out.
SO your all done with the classes huh? How many kids are we getting, and do they have special needs? Its awesome you all are doing this.
Well, Ive had a great week here. It has been absolutely FREEZING this week! The work has been going good we are working with a Brazilian family, a Philippine family, a Peruvian family,and a half Italian family as well. I had no idea there were so many foreigners here. We have really been focusing all our finding efforts on ITALIAN families but its pretty tough finding anyone that is humble enough to stop and listen, let alone change. SO we have changed our mode of attack to working through and with every member family in the branch.
We've been booking out our weeks with member appointments and have been doing everything we can to gain the trust of the members and have been showing them that we can teach. We have been doing service for them, and helping with anything and everything to gain good solid relationships. Through these new relationships of trust we will be lead to a whole new world of contacts and potential investigators which are all the friends of the members.
So far things have been going great, we have members that are starting to call us now and we are really seeing a difference. I'm starting to understand what people meant when they would say that the mission is one of the hardest but most rewarding times of their lives. We been striking out you could say with our own personal finding work. Its been really really tough.... the people here are so lost and confused, if only they knew what we know, if only they would open their hearts and listen. Satan has been working overtime here in Europe, I'm just glad we know how its all gonna end. Every time someone shuts us down or slams a door in our faces, it just adds fuel to my fire of wanting someone to stop and listen. I know the elect are out there, I just need to find them!
Well i love you all and I'm so excited to get to talk NEXT week! I'll let you know what time I'll be calling next week when I email we need to check some things out before i know for sure....Thanks for the email, miss you!
Love Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Life in Firenze!!!!
Ciao Tutti,
To start off, mom I'm a complete knuckle head!!!!! i am so sorry! last week when i was doing email i was kinda in a big hurry and didn't really look through all the music you send me very well, but looking back through it now i realize that you sent me an entire BOOK of music of everything i could possibly want! Thank you so much for doing that for me mom and Hillary -love you guys!
Well it sounds like you had fun this thanksgiving, yeah I'm sure it was pretty strange with just the 3 little boys, who i guess aren't really that little anymore.....ha ha its gonna be so weird seeing everyone, and how big they are.
That's so funny what happened with the turkey, I'm just glad you guys didn't burn the house down or anything like that!
oh man i had the most incredible week! SO after email last week i went on a tour of Firenze which absolutely blew my mind! i seriously had to keep picking my jaw up off the ground, the sculptures and painting and mind blowing domes and cathedrals, and markets, i just couldn't believe it! And to think at how long this stuff has been around is incredible in and of itself. It was so great that were gonna do it all again today! Its kinda a bummer though cus some of the super cool stuff costs money to see not a ton but after a few different sights it kinda adds up. But anyways were gonna do it all again and this time take pictures of everything which wont do it the least bit of justice but will give you all a little bit of a glimpse of the stuff that Ive been seeing.
On Thursday we celebrated thanksgiving a little bit differently this year. We were in invited out to the middle of the Tuscan hills which was like living in a postcard, and we picked Olives all day with The sweetest Italian family. We were on this beautiful hill of ripe olive trees, and looking around there were rolling hills of grape orchards and red and trees and even a huge castle on the hill behind! Words cannot describe how beautiful it really was.....But we picked all day long and ate and visited and played into the night. The family we were with took us back to their house and showed us how they press the olives to get the oil, and taught us the whole process, it was incredible. Then an American family that is here for a short time cooked us an American Thanksgiving feast, i will never forget my Thanksgiving in the Tuscan hills.
After we finished eating we rushed back and helped a Peruvian family in our ward move. We moved of from the 4th floor of their old apartment into the 4th floor of their new apartment, and there was no elevator! We didn't end up finishing till 11 at night. ha ha oh my goodness i was so stinkin tired!
On Sunday i was asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting and it went really really well. I don't know what in the world happened since Ive gotten here in Firenze but its like someone pushed the "on" button with my Italian skills. Ive been dreaming all in Italian I'm starting to think in Italian and I've never spoken better when i teach. I'm so very grateful to my heavenly father for loosening my tongue and helping me speak this beautiful language. I really felt like i was struggling in Pescara and things are completely different now.
The missionary work is on fire right now. We have found and are now teaching 2 Families! They are so so so prepared for the gospel and i am way pumped to see where things go with them! I am just having the time of my life right now and couldn't be happier with where i am and with what I'm doing. I love you all so much and want to thank you all for your prayers letters and support. Ill talk to you all next week!
Love,Anziano Koozer
To start off, mom I'm a complete knuckle head!!!!! i am so sorry! last week when i was doing email i was kinda in a big hurry and didn't really look through all the music you send me very well, but looking back through it now i realize that you sent me an entire BOOK of music of everything i could possibly want! Thank you so much for doing that for me mom and Hillary -love you guys!
Well it sounds like you had fun this thanksgiving, yeah I'm sure it was pretty strange with just the 3 little boys, who i guess aren't really that little anymore.....ha ha its gonna be so weird seeing everyone, and how big they are.
That's so funny what happened with the turkey, I'm just glad you guys didn't burn the house down or anything like that!
oh man i had the most incredible week! SO after email last week i went on a tour of Firenze which absolutely blew my mind! i seriously had to keep picking my jaw up off the ground, the sculptures and painting and mind blowing domes and cathedrals, and markets, i just couldn't believe it! And to think at how long this stuff has been around is incredible in and of itself. It was so great that were gonna do it all again today! Its kinda a bummer though cus some of the super cool stuff costs money to see not a ton but after a few different sights it kinda adds up. But anyways were gonna do it all again and this time take pictures of everything which wont do it the least bit of justice but will give you all a little bit of a glimpse of the stuff that Ive been seeing.
On Thursday we celebrated thanksgiving a little bit differently this year. We were in invited out to the middle of the Tuscan hills which was like living in a postcard, and we picked Olives all day with The sweetest Italian family. We were on this beautiful hill of ripe olive trees, and looking around there were rolling hills of grape orchards and red and trees and even a huge castle on the hill behind! Words cannot describe how beautiful it really was.....But we picked all day long and ate and visited and played into the night. The family we were with took us back to their house and showed us how they press the olives to get the oil, and taught us the whole process, it was incredible. Then an American family that is here for a short time cooked us an American Thanksgiving feast, i will never forget my Thanksgiving in the Tuscan hills.
After we finished eating we rushed back and helped a Peruvian family in our ward move. We moved of from the 4th floor of their old apartment into the 4th floor of their new apartment, and there was no elevator! We didn't end up finishing till 11 at night. ha ha oh my goodness i was so stinkin tired!
On Sunday i was asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting and it went really really well. I don't know what in the world happened since Ive gotten here in Firenze but its like someone pushed the "on" button with my Italian skills. Ive been dreaming all in Italian I'm starting to think in Italian and I've never spoken better when i teach. I'm so very grateful to my heavenly father for loosening my tongue and helping me speak this beautiful language. I really felt like i was struggling in Pescara and things are completely different now.
The missionary work is on fire right now. We have found and are now teaching 2 Families! They are so so so prepared for the gospel and i am way pumped to see where things go with them! I am just having the time of my life right now and couldn't be happier with where i am and with what I'm doing. I love you all so much and want to thank you all for your prayers letters and support. Ill talk to you all next week!
Love,Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hellooooo from Firenze
Ciou tutti,
Hellooooooo from Firenze!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, i am in absolute paradise! ha ha seriously this is the most incredible city ever, my new companion and i are like 2 peas in a pod and the work is gonna be great! I'm in a 4 man apartment now that is a blast after serving in a 2 man for the last 6 months. The change was such a great relief, and has completely recharged my batteries. I'm back on fire and have hit the ground running.
My companions name is Anziano Ingersoll and he is "the MAN", he is seriously the funnest, coolest missionary. We have already been having sooooo much fun together, especially since i tried cutting his hair for him and we had to end up buzzing it, he is hilarious! Today the other missionaries in the apartment are taking me on a tour of the city and were gonna go shopping in the market, hopefully we'll get to see the David today and some other things like that. Today i just want to take my time and really check things out and don't want to be worried about having to take a million pictures so next week we'll do it all again and i gets some sweet pictures for you all.
To answer some questions that you sent, for Christmas when i call ill be calling from the church and will just buy a calling card here so no worries with that, and yes absolutely 100% i want Tia there too if its cool with you guys i get to talk for a pretty good amount of time so there will be plenty of time to talk and yes mother i will sing some Italian songs and hymns for you....And from what i hear the mailing here in Firenze is great so you all can send letters directly to my apartment, with packages and whatever still send those to the mission home but letters would get to me no problem. Ill post the address at the bottom of this email.
Dad about the fasting for special things its surprisingly against the rules for me to ask you all to do special fasts for things, but your prayers are always needed especially for the temple right now. Just pray that things will all go through OK and that they will be able to break ground as soon as possible.
Cade way to go with sharing the Gospel with your friends I'm so proud of you dude, keep it up!
Uncle Charlie if you read this i just wanted to tell you that there a TON of Peruvians here in Firenze TONS of them! We're actually teaching a Peruvian family right now. They are the sweetest people, so incredibly humble!
Well that's about it for this letter, Bailey no worries I WILL send you a letter soon! I love you all so much!
Vi voglìo bene Anziano Koozer
Charl Koozer
Via Mannelli 12150136
Firenze, Italia
Ps- Hillary thanks for the music but i can get all of that Italian music here no problem.... I would really love some English Christmas music, especially O holy Night, i want to do it for the Christmas Mission Talent show, is there any way you could try to email me it i can print it off no problem, thanks i love you!
Hellooooooo from Firenze!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, i am in absolute paradise! ha ha seriously this is the most incredible city ever, my new companion and i are like 2 peas in a pod and the work is gonna be great! I'm in a 4 man apartment now that is a blast after serving in a 2 man for the last 6 months. The change was such a great relief, and has completely recharged my batteries. I'm back on fire and have hit the ground running.
My companions name is Anziano Ingersoll and he is "the MAN", he is seriously the funnest, coolest missionary. We have already been having sooooo much fun together, especially since i tried cutting his hair for him and we had to end up buzzing it, he is hilarious! Today the other missionaries in the apartment are taking me on a tour of the city and were gonna go shopping in the market, hopefully we'll get to see the David today and some other things like that. Today i just want to take my time and really check things out and don't want to be worried about having to take a million pictures so next week we'll do it all again and i gets some sweet pictures for you all.
To answer some questions that you sent, for Christmas when i call ill be calling from the church and will just buy a calling card here so no worries with that, and yes absolutely 100% i want Tia there too if its cool with you guys i get to talk for a pretty good amount of time so there will be plenty of time to talk and yes mother i will sing some Italian songs and hymns for you....And from what i hear the mailing here in Firenze is great so you all can send letters directly to my apartment, with packages and whatever still send those to the mission home but letters would get to me no problem. Ill post the address at the bottom of this email.
Dad about the fasting for special things its surprisingly against the rules for me to ask you all to do special fasts for things, but your prayers are always needed especially for the temple right now. Just pray that things will all go through OK and that they will be able to break ground as soon as possible.
Cade way to go with sharing the Gospel with your friends I'm so proud of you dude, keep it up!
Uncle Charlie if you read this i just wanted to tell you that there a TON of Peruvians here in Firenze TONS of them! We're actually teaching a Peruvian family right now. They are the sweetest people, so incredibly humble!
Well that's about it for this letter, Bailey no worries I WILL send you a letter soon! I love you all so much!
Vi voglìo bene Anziano Koozer
Charl Koozer
Via Mannelli 12150136
Firenze, Italia
Ps- Hillary thanks for the music but i can get all of that Italian music here no problem.... I would really love some English Christmas music, especially O holy Night, i want to do it for the Christmas Mission Talent show, is there any way you could try to email me it i can print it off no problem, thanks i love you!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
First Transfer - Firenze FLORENCE
Ciao Tutti,
Well Last night i received an interesting call from president Acerson....I'm being transferred to Firenze (Florence). Firenze is in Tuscany and is the world capitol of art. It has the "David" and countless other incredible sculptures and stuff like that, it also has one of the largest markets in the world. I'm soooo pumped to go see some more of Italy and some incredible history. When it comes to that kind of stuff Pescara, where I'm at right now, doesn't have anything, just a beach.
The church in the city is pretty small from what i hear, they have a small branch. When i talked with president he informed me that the missionary work in the city has really been suffering. I don't know if that was supposed to be a warning or a challenge, whatever it was things are gonna change... Whatever you think about you bring about, right!?
It absolutely broke my heart last night having to call everyone and tell them all I'm leaving. I can honestly say, i gave it my all in this city, and really left it all on the field. I love the people here in Pescara especially the people i had the privilege of teaching. Its especially hard because we actually have a baptism this weekend that i wont get to be here for and next weekend there are 2 more.
This weekend Belinda Campolone, the woman from Zimbabwe is being baptized, and next weekend the 2 adopted brothers Roberto and Andrea Salvatori are being baptized. All 3 had asked me to baptize them but now with the change of plans it looks like anz. Daniel's will get to do it. I realize that this work really has absolutely nothing to do with me, its all about the people, and i am so very grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me such an incredible chance to learn and grow from finding and teaching these wonderful people. I'm dreading having to go say goodbye today....ughhhhh!!!
SO, anyways this week i was totally gonna make a video of me and anz. Daniel's on our sweet bikes but unfortunately when we came out of one of our appointments someone had stolen the seat from my companions bike and not only that but my companion couldn't find the key to the lock.... he completely lost the only now our bikes are still locked up where we left them and every time we go back to check on them more and more pieces are missing from them!!! hahaha welcome to Italy.... i think one of the sisters took some pictures with us and our bikes and helmets a while ago so ill see if i get get her pictures and ill send them home.
This last week we traveled to Rome for stake conference, and it was really great. We did have to catch the 4am bus out of Pescara but other than that, the conference was so good. Everyone is thrilled for the Temple that's gonna be built in Rome, 2 of the talks were about it, and how the members needed to prepare for it. You guys have noooooo idea how lucky you are to have temples yes (plural) temples so close. All the members have to travel to Switzerland to attend the temple, and its really really expensive, and hard to do! So for all of you near a temple, GOOOOO!
Well that's about it for this week i love you all so very much, you'll all be hearing from me next week in FIRENZE!!!!!!!
Love Anziano Koozer
Well Last night i received an interesting call from president Acerson....I'm being transferred to Firenze (Florence). Firenze is in Tuscany and is the world capitol of art. It has the "David" and countless other incredible sculptures and stuff like that, it also has one of the largest markets in the world. I'm soooo pumped to go see some more of Italy and some incredible history. When it comes to that kind of stuff Pescara, where I'm at right now, doesn't have anything, just a beach.
The church in the city is pretty small from what i hear, they have a small branch. When i talked with president he informed me that the missionary work in the city has really been suffering. I don't know if that was supposed to be a warning or a challenge, whatever it was things are gonna change... Whatever you think about you bring about, right!?
It absolutely broke my heart last night having to call everyone and tell them all I'm leaving. I can honestly say, i gave it my all in this city, and really left it all on the field. I love the people here in Pescara especially the people i had the privilege of teaching. Its especially hard because we actually have a baptism this weekend that i wont get to be here for and next weekend there are 2 more.
This weekend Belinda Campolone, the woman from Zimbabwe is being baptized, and next weekend the 2 adopted brothers Roberto and Andrea Salvatori are being baptized. All 3 had asked me to baptize them but now with the change of plans it looks like anz. Daniel's will get to do it. I realize that this work really has absolutely nothing to do with me, its all about the people, and i am so very grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me such an incredible chance to learn and grow from finding and teaching these wonderful people. I'm dreading having to go say goodbye today....ughhhhh!!!
SO, anyways this week i was totally gonna make a video of me and anz. Daniel's on our sweet bikes but unfortunately when we came out of one of our appointments someone had stolen the seat from my companions bike and not only that but my companion couldn't find the key to the lock.... he completely lost the only now our bikes are still locked up where we left them and every time we go back to check on them more and more pieces are missing from them!!! hahaha welcome to Italy.... i think one of the sisters took some pictures with us and our bikes and helmets a while ago so ill see if i get get her pictures and ill send them home.
This last week we traveled to Rome for stake conference, and it was really great. We did have to catch the 4am bus out of Pescara but other than that, the conference was so good. Everyone is thrilled for the Temple that's gonna be built in Rome, 2 of the talks were about it, and how the members needed to prepare for it. You guys have noooooo idea how lucky you are to have temples yes (plural) temples so close. All the members have to travel to Switzerland to attend the temple, and its really really expensive, and hard to do! So for all of you near a temple, GOOOOO!
Well that's about it for this week i love you all so very much, you'll all be hearing from me next week in FIRENZE!!!!!!!
Love Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Back pack was stolen
Cade Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Man i cant believe your 16 already, Its so weird!!!!! Are mom and dad still holding to the no driving rule till your Eagle is done? If they are you should prob get going cus driving is soo much fun! I love you bro Happy Birthday!
I had a pretty interesting last week. On Thursday we found missionary bikes behind the church, so we fixed them up and have been riding them everywhere! Hahahaha oh my goodness you guys are gonna laugh so hard when you see the pictures of me all ready to ride my bike. I have the sweetest Alien looking helmet, my bike is turquoise and is prob 15 years old, and i tuck my pants into my sock to top it off. There is nothing more humbling then putting on that helmet and riding that bike, hahaha oh man! It sure has been getting us around a lot faster and has also been getting back in pretty good shape, goodbye pasta cheeks!
On Saturday we had the ward Halloween party which was a blast. We brought a few of our investigators and a lot of members brought their friends so it was a great opportunity to talk to people about the church in a fun casual setting. We ate lots of good food and played some great games.
On Sunday i had the sweetest experience in church, Roberto and Andrea the brothers who are 15 and 12 that are being adopted by the Salvatori family that we have been teaching got up in sacrament meeting and both bore their testimonies for the very first time! No one even told them to do it they got up and did it all by themselves. But watching those boys bear testimony filled my heart with the absolute greatest joy and happiness and love. I cant even explain how sweet it really was. That experience is of now one of the best things I've experienced since I've been here in Italy. I love those boys so much!!!
Then Sunday night my companion and i were doing mostra, i don't know what the translation is in English but we had a frame thing that we set up and there are big pictures of Christ and the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and stuff like that and as people are walking around we talk to them about the pictures, and i would also sing hymns to draw people over its fun and its a great finding tool. But anyways as we started packing up to head home for the night i quickly realized that my pack pack was missing, someone had totally stolen my bag while i was turned around! It had ALL of my family pictures in it, both the little book of pictures that mom put together and also the bigger album that you guys sent me along with a few pictures that Tia had sent me. Also in my bag were all our keys, the keys to the church, to our bike lock, to our apartment, to everything!!!!!! Other than that it was just few of copies of the Book of Mormon, and copies of all my legal documents. So yeah, now i don't have a backpack or any pictures and its kinda sad.......
So for Christmas would guys be able to send more pictures?I used my pictures every single day as a way to break the ice and to talk to people and not only that but i love looking at them too.
Dad i sent that letter you asked if i could write it should be coming your way in the mail hopefully by the end of the week. Other than that things have been going great i love you all so much and look forward to hearing from you next week!
Love Anziano Koozer
PS- its been asolutely freezing cold these last 2 weeks and people are saying its just going to get colder, would it be ok if i take out some cash to buy a sweeter, gloves, a mabye a beenie or scarf, my AZ suit are pretty thin. Ill wait till next week to hear from you before i take out anymore money , sorry i also need a new bag too since mine was stolen. I dont want anything super nice just something that works.
Man i cant believe your 16 already, Its so weird!!!!! Are mom and dad still holding to the no driving rule till your Eagle is done? If they are you should prob get going cus driving is soo much fun! I love you bro Happy Birthday!
I had a pretty interesting last week. On Thursday we found missionary bikes behind the church, so we fixed them up and have been riding them everywhere! Hahahaha oh my goodness you guys are gonna laugh so hard when you see the pictures of me all ready to ride my bike. I have the sweetest Alien looking helmet, my bike is turquoise and is prob 15 years old, and i tuck my pants into my sock to top it off. There is nothing more humbling then putting on that helmet and riding that bike, hahaha oh man! It sure has been getting us around a lot faster and has also been getting back in pretty good shape, goodbye pasta cheeks!
On Saturday we had the ward Halloween party which was a blast. We brought a few of our investigators and a lot of members brought their friends so it was a great opportunity to talk to people about the church in a fun casual setting. We ate lots of good food and played some great games.
On Sunday i had the sweetest experience in church, Roberto and Andrea the brothers who are 15 and 12 that are being adopted by the Salvatori family that we have been teaching got up in sacrament meeting and both bore their testimonies for the very first time! No one even told them to do it they got up and did it all by themselves. But watching those boys bear testimony filled my heart with the absolute greatest joy and happiness and love. I cant even explain how sweet it really was. That experience is of now one of the best things I've experienced since I've been here in Italy. I love those boys so much!!!
Then Sunday night my companion and i were doing mostra, i don't know what the translation is in English but we had a frame thing that we set up and there are big pictures of Christ and the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and stuff like that and as people are walking around we talk to them about the pictures, and i would also sing hymns to draw people over its fun and its a great finding tool. But anyways as we started packing up to head home for the night i quickly realized that my pack pack was missing, someone had totally stolen my bag while i was turned around! It had ALL of my family pictures in it, both the little book of pictures that mom put together and also the bigger album that you guys sent me along with a few pictures that Tia had sent me. Also in my bag were all our keys, the keys to the church, to our bike lock, to our apartment, to everything!!!!!! Other than that it was just few of copies of the Book of Mormon, and copies of all my legal documents. So yeah, now i don't have a backpack or any pictures and its kinda sad.......
So for Christmas would guys be able to send more pictures?I used my pictures every single day as a way to break the ice and to talk to people and not only that but i love looking at them too.
Dad i sent that letter you asked if i could write it should be coming your way in the mail hopefully by the end of the week. Other than that things have been going great i love you all so much and look forward to hearing from you next week!
Love Anziano Koozer
PS- its been asolutely freezing cold these last 2 weeks and people are saying its just going to get colder, would it be ok if i take out some cash to buy a sweeter, gloves, a mabye a beenie or scarf, my AZ suit are pretty thin. Ill wait till next week to hear from you before i take out anymore money , sorry i also need a new bag too since mine was stolen. I dont want anything super nice just something that works.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Happy Halloween
Ciao Tutti!
Hey everyone! Ive had another awesome week here in Italy. To start off though i just wanted to tell Tia, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH for the sweet package!!!!!!! Hahahaha oh man you have no idea how bad I've been craving fruity candy! The package was absolutely perfect!
I had Zone conference this last week in Rome and i got all of my mail that has come in these last 6 weeks. Thank you so much everyone who wrote me, its so great getting mail as a missionary, its seriously like Christmas when we get mail.
It was an interesting journey to Rome this time because they changed it to a different Church building than the one we usually go to. This time we had to take to metro to the end of the line and it was absolute madness!!!! Hahaha and i got separated from my companion and was totally lost in the crowd and i was pretty sure he got on the metro but wasn't 100% sure so i kinda waited a little while people started getting on and i didn't see him so i assumed he had already gotten on so i went to get on too and there were soooo many people there wasn't any room for me to squeeze on so as I'm trying to wiggle on with my big bulky back pack the door to the train totally closed on me and i got smashed right down the middle!!! Thank goodness it had a sensor on it and opened back up but before i could re-adjust or anything it closed on me again and again and again... and every time a loud alarm would go off! hahaha oh my goodness it was so embarrassing. Sadly i had to just force my way on and push the entire group of people over until i could fit, and i think i might have smashed an old lady or 2 but i HAD TO GET ON THAT TRAIN!The last thing i wanted to do was to get lost in Rome by myself. So after i was on the train i could see my companion over the crowd ( cus Italians are short) and he was crying he was laughing so hard at me. I totally made a huge seen..... leave it to the big dumb American.....
Then when we got to our stop we realized it was pouring outside and so we got to walk 3 miles to the church up this hill in the pouring rain. And to add to the wonderful experience we were 30 minutes late, and on top of that we had been out of water for the last 2 days in our apartment so i wasn't able to shave. We were quite the sight walking in to Zone conference 45 minutes late, soaking wet to the bone, and with both of us practically having a beards......
Thankfully president understood our circomestances. That word is sooo spelled wrong, sorry i have the hardest time reading and spelling English now the Italian totally throws me out of whack! but anyways it was a fun experience in Rome.
The work has been going good this week we have been doing a whole lot of finding and have met some incredible people. There truly are the "elect" out there. K so for all of you who have seen the movie "the best 2 years " you know the part when their mission president calls them and tells them he is coming to visit their apartment so all the missionaries scrabble as fast as they can to clean the apartment and the one missionary flips over the pictures of those girls and on the back are pictures are pictures of prophets....hahaha yeah well we have the EXACT same thing happen to us on Monday. President called us and said he would be to our apartment in about 3 minutes for interviews. All I'm going to say is i have never cleaned that apartment so fast in my life! It was so funny!!! But interviews went great and President even commented on how clean the apartment was. HE is such an incredible Mission president he has already taught me so much.
Last night at English class i taught the advanced class and told them all about River Bend and everyone loved it. Man i sure miss all you guys! i hope everyone is doing OK. Mom i sure hope you fell better soon, i heard your conference was incredible. Cade, way to go dude with the missionary work! isn't it the best!!!!! I'm so proud of you! Well i need to run now but i look forward to hearing from you guys next week!
Hey everyone! Ive had another awesome week here in Italy. To start off though i just wanted to tell Tia, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH for the sweet package!!!!!!! Hahahaha oh man you have no idea how bad I've been craving fruity candy! The package was absolutely perfect!
I had Zone conference this last week in Rome and i got all of my mail that has come in these last 6 weeks. Thank you so much everyone who wrote me, its so great getting mail as a missionary, its seriously like Christmas when we get mail.
It was an interesting journey to Rome this time because they changed it to a different Church building than the one we usually go to. This time we had to take to metro to the end of the line and it was absolute madness!!!! Hahaha and i got separated from my companion and was totally lost in the crowd and i was pretty sure he got on the metro but wasn't 100% sure so i kinda waited a little while people started getting on and i didn't see him so i assumed he had already gotten on so i went to get on too and there were soooo many people there wasn't any room for me to squeeze on so as I'm trying to wiggle on with my big bulky back pack the door to the train totally closed on me and i got smashed right down the middle!!! Thank goodness it had a sensor on it and opened back up but before i could re-adjust or anything it closed on me again and again and again... and every time a loud alarm would go off! hahaha oh my goodness it was so embarrassing. Sadly i had to just force my way on and push the entire group of people over until i could fit, and i think i might have smashed an old lady or 2 but i HAD TO GET ON THAT TRAIN!The last thing i wanted to do was to get lost in Rome by myself. So after i was on the train i could see my companion over the crowd ( cus Italians are short) and he was crying he was laughing so hard at me. I totally made a huge seen..... leave it to the big dumb American.....
Then when we got to our stop we realized it was pouring outside and so we got to walk 3 miles to the church up this hill in the pouring rain. And to add to the wonderful experience we were 30 minutes late, and on top of that we had been out of water for the last 2 days in our apartment so i wasn't able to shave. We were quite the sight walking in to Zone conference 45 minutes late, soaking wet to the bone, and with both of us practically having a beards......
Thankfully president understood our circomestances. That word is sooo spelled wrong, sorry i have the hardest time reading and spelling English now the Italian totally throws me out of whack! but anyways it was a fun experience in Rome.
The work has been going good this week we have been doing a whole lot of finding and have met some incredible people. There truly are the "elect" out there. K so for all of you who have seen the movie "the best 2 years " you know the part when their mission president calls them and tells them he is coming to visit their apartment so all the missionaries scrabble as fast as they can to clean the apartment and the one missionary flips over the pictures of those girls and on the back are pictures are pictures of prophets....hahaha yeah well we have the EXACT same thing happen to us on Monday. President called us and said he would be to our apartment in about 3 minutes for interviews. All I'm going to say is i have never cleaned that apartment so fast in my life! It was so funny!!! But interviews went great and President even commented on how clean the apartment was. HE is such an incredible Mission president he has already taught me so much.
Last night at English class i taught the advanced class and told them all about River Bend and everyone loved it. Man i sure miss all you guys! i hope everyone is doing OK. Mom i sure hope you fell better soon, i heard your conference was incredible. Cade, way to go dude with the missionary work! isn't it the best!!!!! I'm so proud of you! Well i need to run now but i look forward to hearing from you guys next week!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Working with the Members!
Hey DAD,
Man i miss you like crazy, thanks for keeping me updating with the emails. hahaha yeah you guys are totally going down with the baptismal challenge, We are on fire right now! The member program were using is so sweet! Today were actually fasting with the family we are doing it with so we can know who the Lord wants us to work with and who is prepared for the gospel NOW.
K so this is how it works.... Missionaries come and do a family night with a family making sure all of the family is there for it. Then as missionaries we teach a very simple, short, but powerful lesson on the restoration. After the lesson we have a testimony meeting with the entire family on how the Gospel has changed there lives and each person is invited to share their testimony about the restoration and what it means to them. Then while the spirit is the strongest we teach the family that with this incredible knowledge we have the responsibility to share it with everyone, and by doing so we can bring the light and happiness of the gospel into the lives of other. We then pass out pens and papers to everyone and have them fold their papers in fourths and put at the top of each of the boxes a tittle, which were Family, Friends, Neighbors, and Others. Then, we have them write down EVERYONE they know in these categories who are not members, regardless of whether they think they will accept the gospel or not. Then when everyone has finished we kneel and pray as a family and pray to know which of these are the most prepared for the gospel right now. After the pray everyone circles their top 4 people on their papers. We then challenge them to find a way to do service for each of the people they circled during the week. We then returned the next week for Family night again and we began a fast to know as a family the overall top 4 in the family that are ready for the Gospel now. When we have the top 4 we will then do a lesson on easy ways for the members to talk to their friends and invite them to a casual activity that us missionaries will be at, and from there us missionaries will take the lead on introducing the gospel and the member family will be the key role in testifying and hosting the lessons in their home. And together we will baptise! Person, after person and person until we have worked with every family in this ward. And when we finish with all the families we will do it again. Its a never ending source of baptising and changing of lives hand in hand with the members.
By teaching and doing this we will gain the trust and respect of the members and will get them all fire about sharing the gospel. Ive been working on putting this thing together since Ive been in the MTC and its working so far better than i ever could have imagined, the Lord is definitely guiding his work!
Yes i survived another transfer and I'm staying in Pescara with Anz. Daniels. I know there is a work for me to do here.
It sounds like you guys have been super busy with the conference and with taking those classes. That is SOOO cool you guys are doing that!!! For sure keep me posted with all of that.
It's crazy Bailey and Wills have a house and stuff and she's pregnant! SO WEIRD!!!!! Things are gonna be so different when i come home.
OH my gosh, yes i miss football like crazy actually, sometimes i start thinking about it when im laying in bed at night and get so excited i cant fall asleep for a long time, haha which is kinda annoying. But yeah for example in the Mesa high game when i got the sack the first play of the game, its such a rush....good times good times. Cade will catch on as he gets older i didn't really get it till i was going into my senior year. I know Cade is gonna be a beast.
hahah so yeah its absolutely freezing here in Italy, i had no idea it would get so cold! and its a different kind of cold its a humid cold, absolutely bone chilling. And being on the coast the wind of the water is pretty brutal. i might freeze to death this winter.
Being in the same city there are not a ton of new pictures but i will try to do better with keeping my camera close. I went on an exchange these last two days with our Zone leaders from L'Aquila and stayed the night there. It was an incredible experience and really opened my eyes to some new stuff that I'm exited to try.
Well anyways i love you guys and miss you all so much. Tomorrow i get my mail from this last month in a half when we go to Rome for Zone conference, and I'm excited to see if you guys sent any letters. Hopefully i get something. Well got to run, have a great week and don't forget to get those baptisms!!!!!!!!
Love, your boy Anziano Koozer
Man i miss you like crazy, thanks for keeping me updating with the emails. hahaha yeah you guys are totally going down with the baptismal challenge, We are on fire right now! The member program were using is so sweet! Today were actually fasting with the family we are doing it with so we can know who the Lord wants us to work with and who is prepared for the gospel NOW.
K so this is how it works.... Missionaries come and do a family night with a family making sure all of the family is there for it. Then as missionaries we teach a very simple, short, but powerful lesson on the restoration. After the lesson we have a testimony meeting with the entire family on how the Gospel has changed there lives and each person is invited to share their testimony about the restoration and what it means to them. Then while the spirit is the strongest we teach the family that with this incredible knowledge we have the responsibility to share it with everyone, and by doing so we can bring the light and happiness of the gospel into the lives of other. We then pass out pens and papers to everyone and have them fold their papers in fourths and put at the top of each of the boxes a tittle, which were Family, Friends, Neighbors, and Others. Then, we have them write down EVERYONE they know in these categories who are not members, regardless of whether they think they will accept the gospel or not. Then when everyone has finished we kneel and pray as a family and pray to know which of these are the most prepared for the gospel right now. After the pray everyone circles their top 4 people on their papers. We then challenge them to find a way to do service for each of the people they circled during the week. We then returned the next week for Family night again and we began a fast to know as a family the overall top 4 in the family that are ready for the Gospel now. When we have the top 4 we will then do a lesson on easy ways for the members to talk to their friends and invite them to a casual activity that us missionaries will be at, and from there us missionaries will take the lead on introducing the gospel and the member family will be the key role in testifying and hosting the lessons in their home. And together we will baptise! Person, after person and person until we have worked with every family in this ward. And when we finish with all the families we will do it again. Its a never ending source of baptising and changing of lives hand in hand with the members.
By teaching and doing this we will gain the trust and respect of the members and will get them all fire about sharing the gospel. Ive been working on putting this thing together since Ive been in the MTC and its working so far better than i ever could have imagined, the Lord is definitely guiding his work!
Yes i survived another transfer and I'm staying in Pescara with Anz. Daniels. I know there is a work for me to do here.
It sounds like you guys have been super busy with the conference and with taking those classes. That is SOOO cool you guys are doing that!!! For sure keep me posted with all of that.
It's crazy Bailey and Wills have a house and stuff and she's pregnant! SO WEIRD!!!!! Things are gonna be so different when i come home.
OH my gosh, yes i miss football like crazy actually, sometimes i start thinking about it when im laying in bed at night and get so excited i cant fall asleep for a long time, haha which is kinda annoying. But yeah for example in the Mesa high game when i got the sack the first play of the game, its such a rush....good times good times. Cade will catch on as he gets older i didn't really get it till i was going into my senior year. I know Cade is gonna be a beast.
hahah so yeah its absolutely freezing here in Italy, i had no idea it would get so cold! and its a different kind of cold its a humid cold, absolutely bone chilling. And being on the coast the wind of the water is pretty brutal. i might freeze to death this winter.
Being in the same city there are not a ton of new pictures but i will try to do better with keeping my camera close. I went on an exchange these last two days with our Zone leaders from L'Aquila and stayed the night there. It was an incredible experience and really opened my eyes to some new stuff that I'm exited to try.
Well anyways i love you guys and miss you all so much. Tomorrow i get my mail from this last month in a half when we go to Rome for Zone conference, and I'm excited to see if you guys sent any letters. Hopefully i get something. Well got to run, have a great week and don't forget to get those baptisms!!!!!!!!
Love, your boy Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hal translated his letter to Bud to Italian and then back to English
Son, this is the exact English translation of the Italian letter I just sent. It doesnt make any sense to me, GOOD LUCK and GOOD READING!The hook so a lot. Like its mission goes? The family does large! Our efforts of missionary go well. We slept in the garden since the time has cooled. The emmett informed me that has not ever lifted a stretch out first. I am a most agile one or that? I received the Italian the mine saves the time and pleased it a lot. I hope that she can understand that I say. I am so recognizing for the Church and for a living prophet. I loved the general lecture! Mine I am consecrated to God once again. The mommy and we carry some classes for the next one ten weeks in manner that we can become some adopted parents. We should travel in the Month all of the Tuesday and Thursday evening until December. I want to know it than I have a deposition of this Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so recognizing for her and the time she gives the Mister and the persons of Italy. Its service blesses our family beyond the measure. To thank the for the man she became and it thanked it for the example that she regulated for its brothers. So I am excited for this new child of the inside court to unite our family. All it loves here the Monson of name, therefore resembles to that would be able to be its name. It cannot await to damage the child. The thought that comes from a place where was with the our Savior and with Jesse and all the other grandfathers and the family that are passed across the veil. It knows that us and it its family chose to be us. So that saremo I am excited an eternal family. She has an address? We would love to seek on the Land of Google and it sees where she lives. And she can receive the mail there? That it is its food preferred in Italy? The tongue was difficult to learn? I should run for now, but I want to know it that the hook. The good day for now, the DadP. She could read this letter and was grammatically correct? Wow this did not turn out exactly like I had expected!!! HAHAHAHAAHH It is so funny!
Hal'a attempt to write Buddy a letter in Itailian
L'amo così molto. Come la sua missione va? La famiglia fa grande! I nostri sforzi di missionario vanno bene. Abbiamo dormito nel giardino poiché il tempo si è raffreddato. L'Emmett mi ha informato che non ha mai alzato una tenda prima. Sono un più sciolto o che? Ho ricevuto l'italiano il mio risparmia il tempo e ha piaciuto esso molto. Spero che lei può capire che dico. Sono così riconoscente per la Chiesa e per un profeta vivente. Ho amato la conferenza generale! Mie sono consacrato a Dio ancora una volta. La mamma e portiamo delle classi per il prossimo dieci settimane in modo che possiamo diventare dei genitori adottivi. Quando diventiamo dei genitori adottivi, ogni bambino ci pagherà un addizionale $1.600 dollari per il mese. Dobbiamo viaggiare nella Mesa tutti i martedì e giovedì sera fino a dicembre.
La voglio sapere che ho una testimonianza di questo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo. Sono così riconoscente per lei ed il tempo lei dà il Signore e le persone di Italia. Il suo servizio benedice la nostra famiglia oltre la misura. Ringraziarla per l'Uomo lei è diventato e l'ha ringraziata per l'esempio che lei ha regolato per suoi fratelli. Sono così eccitato per questo nuovo bambino della corte interna per unire la nostra famiglia. Tutti ama qui il Monson di nome, dunque somiglia a che potrebbe essere il suo nome. Non posso attendere di avariare il bambino. Il pensiero che viene da un luogo dove è stato col nostro Salvatore e con Jesse e tutti gli altri nonni e la famiglia che sono passati attraverso il velo. Sa che ci e ci ha scelti di essere la sua famiglia. Sono così eccitato che saremo una famiglia eterna.
Lei ha un indirizzo? Ameremmo cercare sulla Terra di Google e vede dove lei vive. E lei può ricevere la posta lì? Che è il suo cibo preferito in Italia? La lingua è stata difficile imparare? Devo correre per ora, ma la voglio sapere che l'amo. Il buono giorno per ora, il Babbo
P. Lei potrebbe leggere questa lettera ed era grammaticalmente corretto?
I am not sure this worked, but it was fun trying! I have had fun with this. Love you Son!Dad
La voglio sapere che ho una testimonianza di questo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo. Sono così riconoscente per lei ed il tempo lei dà il Signore e le persone di Italia. Il suo servizio benedice la nostra famiglia oltre la misura. Ringraziarla per l'Uomo lei è diventato e l'ha ringraziata per l'esempio che lei ha regolato per suoi fratelli. Sono così eccitato per questo nuovo bambino della corte interna per unire la nostra famiglia. Tutti ama qui il Monson di nome, dunque somiglia a che potrebbe essere il suo nome. Non posso attendere di avariare il bambino. Il pensiero che viene da un luogo dove è stato col nostro Salvatore e con Jesse e tutti gli altri nonni e la famiglia che sono passati attraverso il velo. Sa che ci e ci ha scelti di essere la sua famiglia. Sono così eccitato che saremo una famiglia eterna.
Lei ha un indirizzo? Ameremmo cercare sulla Terra di Google e vede dove lei vive. E lei può ricevere la posta lì? Che è il suo cibo preferito in Italia? La lingua è stata difficile imparare? Devo correre per ora, ma la voglio sapere che l'amo. Il buono giorno per ora, il Babbo
P. Lei potrebbe leggere questa lettera ed era grammaticalmente corretto?
I am not sure this worked, but it was fun trying! I have had fun with this. Love you Son!Dad
Answer to Dad's letter in Italian
Ciao Famiglia!
Hahaha that was so weird getting an email from you in Italian! How did you do it, google or something? I read the entire thing and completely understood all of it, in Italian that is. The English version didn't really make sense. Its incredible what reading the scriptures has done for me with the Italian. I would say its prob been the biggest help to personally in learning this beautiful language. Going from the ancient form of writing in the scriptures to reading normal letters and stuff like what you sent me has helped me to learn so much! I'm finally starting to get pretty comfortable with my speaking ability, and its getting more and more fun to teach and to interact with the people. Not that I've ever been shy before, its just now I'm starting to make sense to people when i talk to them, haha.
But anyways, Tia to answer your question, of course you can join the baptism-off! I hope you are all working hard cus its looking like we might have a few baptisms comin up! We have been working so very hard with our investigators and they are making some huge strides in their progress. I cant even describe the love i have for these people, its a different kind of love than I've ever felt. I don't know its hard to explain,like, all i want is for these people is to have success in their lives, all i want is for them to feel true happiness that comes in following the commandments, and want them to know their Father in Heaven and to know of the love that Christ has for them. It's incredible studying for them, praying with them and for them, and watching them grow in the Gospel and to see the light of the of the gospel come into their eyes and into their hearts. IT physically changes the appearance of people, its incredible. I have never found more joy or happiness in my life than now, serving the people of Italy.
The Lord is blessing us with success, and is definitely guiding this work. My companion and i have been trying some new things that have really been working. Instead of just going and doing "house" as we call it, (which is knocking door to door) we decided that we are going to do "house-teaching". SO instead of just ringing door bell after door bell for 3 hours we set a goal before we start off of how many houses we are going to get into and how many lessons we are going to teach, and also how many new investigators we are going to find. We then say a prayer and ask for guidance and then we're off. Before we started this new plan i had never gotten in doing house ever!!! And once i proposed this plan to my companion, we have gotten in over 25 houses this week and have found a full page and a half of potential investigators. We are now using this technique for all of our modes of finding work and have been having a blast! I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father guiding my companion and I, and blessing us with such wonderful people to work with. I know with out Him i am nothing.
We have also come up with a sweet new member program to get involved with the Ward and to get the members excited about missionary work. We had our first trial run on Monday night while doing a family night with the Giusti Family and it worked better than we could have ever wished for! I'm so pumped to start doing using it with all the other members of the ward! MEMBERS ARE THE KEY TO MISSIONARY SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!! So for all you Members get to know your missionaries and HELP them, we cant do it alone and neither can you!
Anyways, the weather has been absolutely crazy here. We had a typhoon hit us here in Pescara the other night and it tore up the city pretty good, and it wasn't too nice to my umbrella either! haha yeah we got caught outside during the storm and ended up tracting the night away soaking wet and freezing cold, it even hailed for about an hour, but hey its always good weather for missionary work! SO how is the family doing? Everyone good? I miss you guys like crazy.
Bailey i love the name Monson for your boy, but i also like the name Lugard too. That's the name of one of our investigators, haha he's awesome.
Wait so you guys are adopting or fostering? And are they special needs kids or normal ? I want the details of whats up, that's so so so so COOL!
Oh no i just looked outside and its pouring rain and i totaly forgot my umbrella, it was sunny outside when we left the house. Mannagga!!!
Dad my favorite food by far is Arrostacini, its skewed lamb and I'm also in love with the pasta. haha last p day we did a bbq and my comp and i ate 2 kili of Arrostacini which is more than 4 pounds. hahaha and thats one of the reasons that my suits don't quite fit like they used too. I starting to regret the day i ever told you dad that i would never be fat... its impossible with the food they feed us here.
Our address is ( Via Stradonetto 207, Pescara Italia) Yes i can receive mail at the house but its way safer, and easier for me if you just send everything to the mission office address. Well, I love you all and hope to hear from you next week!
Love Anziano Koozerps- I need to pull some money out today I'm going to buy a study journal and some pens and maybe some marking pencils. thanks love ya!
Hahaha that was so weird getting an email from you in Italian! How did you do it, google or something? I read the entire thing and completely understood all of it, in Italian that is. The English version didn't really make sense. Its incredible what reading the scriptures has done for me with the Italian. I would say its prob been the biggest help to personally in learning this beautiful language. Going from the ancient form of writing in the scriptures to reading normal letters and stuff like what you sent me has helped me to learn so much! I'm finally starting to get pretty comfortable with my speaking ability, and its getting more and more fun to teach and to interact with the people. Not that I've ever been shy before, its just now I'm starting to make sense to people when i talk to them, haha.
But anyways, Tia to answer your question, of course you can join the baptism-off! I hope you are all working hard cus its looking like we might have a few baptisms comin up! We have been working so very hard with our investigators and they are making some huge strides in their progress. I cant even describe the love i have for these people, its a different kind of love than I've ever felt. I don't know its hard to explain,like, all i want is for these people is to have success in their lives, all i want is for them to feel true happiness that comes in following the commandments, and want them to know their Father in Heaven and to know of the love that Christ has for them. It's incredible studying for them, praying with them and for them, and watching them grow in the Gospel and to see the light of the of the gospel come into their eyes and into their hearts. IT physically changes the appearance of people, its incredible. I have never found more joy or happiness in my life than now, serving the people of Italy.
The Lord is blessing us with success, and is definitely guiding this work. My companion and i have been trying some new things that have really been working. Instead of just going and doing "house" as we call it, (which is knocking door to door) we decided that we are going to do "house-teaching". SO instead of just ringing door bell after door bell for 3 hours we set a goal before we start off of how many houses we are going to get into and how many lessons we are going to teach, and also how many new investigators we are going to find. We then say a prayer and ask for guidance and then we're off. Before we started this new plan i had never gotten in doing house ever!!! And once i proposed this plan to my companion, we have gotten in over 25 houses this week and have found a full page and a half of potential investigators. We are now using this technique for all of our modes of finding work and have been having a blast! I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father guiding my companion and I, and blessing us with such wonderful people to work with. I know with out Him i am nothing.
We have also come up with a sweet new member program to get involved with the Ward and to get the members excited about missionary work. We had our first trial run on Monday night while doing a family night with the Giusti Family and it worked better than we could have ever wished for! I'm so pumped to start doing using it with all the other members of the ward! MEMBERS ARE THE KEY TO MISSIONARY SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!! So for all you Members get to know your missionaries and HELP them, we cant do it alone and neither can you!
Anyways, the weather has been absolutely crazy here. We had a typhoon hit us here in Pescara the other night and it tore up the city pretty good, and it wasn't too nice to my umbrella either! haha yeah we got caught outside during the storm and ended up tracting the night away soaking wet and freezing cold, it even hailed for about an hour, but hey its always good weather for missionary work! SO how is the family doing? Everyone good? I miss you guys like crazy.
Bailey i love the name Monson for your boy, but i also like the name Lugard too. That's the name of one of our investigators, haha he's awesome.
Wait so you guys are adopting or fostering? And are they special needs kids or normal ? I want the details of whats up, that's so so so so COOL!
Oh no i just looked outside and its pouring rain and i totaly forgot my umbrella, it was sunny outside when we left the house. Mannagga!!!
Dad my favorite food by far is Arrostacini, its skewed lamb and I'm also in love with the pasta. haha last p day we did a bbq and my comp and i ate 2 kili of Arrostacini which is more than 4 pounds. hahaha and thats one of the reasons that my suits don't quite fit like they used too. I starting to regret the day i ever told you dad that i would never be fat... its impossible with the food they feed us here.
Our address is ( Via Stradonetto 207, Pescara Italia) Yes i can receive mail at the house but its way safer, and easier for me if you just send everything to the mission office address. Well, I love you all and hope to hear from you next week!
Love Anziano Koozerps- I need to pull some money out today I'm going to buy a study journal and some pens and maybe some marking pencils. thanks love ya!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hey everyone!Did everyone LOVE conference? i know i did! We had the opportunity to watch it through satellite at our church building, although i didn't get to watch all of it cus we are i think like 8 hours ahead of you guys and so we missed the last Sunday session, and in was in and out with investigators through the sessions which was super distracting but i was able to watch a good portion of it and took some awesome notes. IT is absolutely incredible that we have a living prophet today who leads and guides the lords church. I definitely needed to hear the messages given! DAD holy cow! your police video was SOOOO sweet! haha you have to teach me how to do that when i get home!
And Cade, wow Props with the missionary work, seriously way to go!!! Emmett and Bailey i hope you 2 feel better soon, i love you! Hopefully you all wont get sick....
Well last night i survived another transfer call, i get to stay another 6 weeks here in Pescara. I guess i still haven't finished my work here, and the Lord has more people for me to find in this city. Now its just a matter of finding them! I'm super excited and pumped to start a new transfer. Its an opportunity to set new goals and reach for greater levels of success. MAN i love being a missionary!!!!! Anziano Daniels and i have had a great week and has been super duper busy. Haha we kinda been going crazy with the same routine so we are gonna try to spice things up this new transfer and try some new things with finding work and with working with members. Dad I now understand what you meant by saying that there are definitely betters ways of finding people than through tracking.
But hey family i was thinking and i want to challenge you guys to a "baptism-off". k, so here it is, with this next year and a half i want to challenge you guys to share the gospel with everyone you guys know and with all those you come in contact with and I'm of course gonna do the same. And the winner is who ever can baptise the most people. The winner will get prob the greatest prize that could ever be won, the satisfaction and knowledge that you were an instrument in bringing the happiness and light of the gospel into other peoples lives. I would say its a pretty fair match up the entire family vs Me. Yes it is what i will be doing every day all day but hey there are 7 of you all together. What do you say? Are you all up to the challenge? I want a response by next week from each of the members of the family of whether you are in or out. We have the greatest knowledge there is to have, and i think it would pretty selfish of us not to share it with those we love and respect. Well anyways i love you all and am so happy to hear from you guys, and will be looking forward to your response to the challenge by next week!
PS- Mom i would absolutely love an ipod! Its what all the other missionaries have, and I've seen a few different set ups. But the most common that I've seen is just a dock that charges the ipod. But i know that an ipod is super expensive and would be super super risky sending it in the mail. so i don't know wiring money is definitely the safest thing to do. But i don't know its up to you please don't stress about it I'm totally happy and fine without anything like that. I love just hearing from you all seeing pictures and stuff, so no worries.
Love ya!Anziano Koozer
And Cade, wow Props with the missionary work, seriously way to go!!! Emmett and Bailey i hope you 2 feel better soon, i love you! Hopefully you all wont get sick....
Well last night i survived another transfer call, i get to stay another 6 weeks here in Pescara. I guess i still haven't finished my work here, and the Lord has more people for me to find in this city. Now its just a matter of finding them! I'm super excited and pumped to start a new transfer. Its an opportunity to set new goals and reach for greater levels of success. MAN i love being a missionary!!!!! Anziano Daniels and i have had a great week and has been super duper busy. Haha we kinda been going crazy with the same routine so we are gonna try to spice things up this new transfer and try some new things with finding work and with working with members. Dad I now understand what you meant by saying that there are definitely betters ways of finding people than through tracking.
But hey family i was thinking and i want to challenge you guys to a "baptism-off". k, so here it is, with this next year and a half i want to challenge you guys to share the gospel with everyone you guys know and with all those you come in contact with and I'm of course gonna do the same. And the winner is who ever can baptise the most people. The winner will get prob the greatest prize that could ever be won, the satisfaction and knowledge that you were an instrument in bringing the happiness and light of the gospel into other peoples lives. I would say its a pretty fair match up the entire family vs Me. Yes it is what i will be doing every day all day but hey there are 7 of you all together. What do you say? Are you all up to the challenge? I want a response by next week from each of the members of the family of whether you are in or out. We have the greatest knowledge there is to have, and i think it would pretty selfish of us not to share it with those we love and respect. Well anyways i love you all and am so happy to hear from you guys, and will be looking forward to your response to the challenge by next week!
PS- Mom i would absolutely love an ipod! Its what all the other missionaries have, and I've seen a few different set ups. But the most common that I've seen is just a dock that charges the ipod. But i know that an ipod is super expensive and would be super super risky sending it in the mail. so i don't know wiring money is definitely the safest thing to do. But i don't know its up to you please don't stress about it I'm totally happy and fine without anything like that. I love just hearing from you all seeing pictures and stuff, so no worries.
Love ya!Anziano Koozer
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ciao Tutti,
Hey everyone how are you doing!? Man I miss you guys! Ive had another awesome week here in Italy! We have been SOOO incredibly busy these last few days!
I have some great news, Gloria is back to church and is back at it stronger and more on fire than Ive ever seen her before! All of the problems she had with members at church have ALL been resolved and she has rededicated herself to being the best member she can be. I cannot even express how happy I was to see her in church this last week taking the sacrament, it was such a sweet moment. On the other hand Sofia one of most progressing investigators dropped us..... She has been taught every lesson and we even bought her a nice leather back triple and she even has a testimony of Joseph Smith through fasting and prayer. But once her family found out they really turned on the heat and on top of that she has been slammed with work. Everything kinda built up and finally she couldn't handle it and she broke. It made me so sad, but at the same time I know that I did absolutely everything I could have to teach her and help her. We cant really force people to get baptised, that's the wonderful thing about our agency.
This last week we found an incredible family and we have started teaching them and they love it! I'm super excited to see where things will go with them.
We kinda had a funny experience the other day. We were walking home from church and an old man in a car drove by and yelled an address at us and drove off. SO of course we went home grabbed a map then found the house. We found the old man sitting on his porch and it turned out he was waiting for us. We talked and visited for a good time and we set up a time to come back to do some service for him in his yard. When we went back yesterday we helped him out for about 3 hours and then his wife made us a super good lunch. It was a lot of fun visiting with him and helping him out, he did need a lot of help.
Its starting to feel really weird being out of my normal missionary clothes now, ha ha I actually feel more comfortable in my slacks and shirt and tie than jeans and a tee, so weird.....
I taught English class last night and we had a ton of fun. I really really enjoy teaching and working with people. In a way when I put on the dress clothes and name tag I become someone else. ha ha kinda like a power ranger I can go from normal person to super hero, I love it! Well the work is has been incredible and all is well here in Italy, I love you all and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Ti voglio bene Anziano Koozer
Hey everyone how are you doing!? Man I miss you guys! Ive had another awesome week here in Italy! We have been SOOO incredibly busy these last few days!
I have some great news, Gloria is back to church and is back at it stronger and more on fire than Ive ever seen her before! All of the problems she had with members at church have ALL been resolved and she has rededicated herself to being the best member she can be. I cannot even express how happy I was to see her in church this last week taking the sacrament, it was such a sweet moment. On the other hand Sofia one of most progressing investigators dropped us..... She has been taught every lesson and we even bought her a nice leather back triple and she even has a testimony of Joseph Smith through fasting and prayer. But once her family found out they really turned on the heat and on top of that she has been slammed with work. Everything kinda built up and finally she couldn't handle it and she broke. It made me so sad, but at the same time I know that I did absolutely everything I could have to teach her and help her. We cant really force people to get baptised, that's the wonderful thing about our agency.
This last week we found an incredible family and we have started teaching them and they love it! I'm super excited to see where things will go with them.
We kinda had a funny experience the other day. We were walking home from church and an old man in a car drove by and yelled an address at us and drove off. SO of course we went home grabbed a map then found the house. We found the old man sitting on his porch and it turned out he was waiting for us. We talked and visited for a good time and we set up a time to come back to do some service for him in his yard. When we went back yesterday we helped him out for about 3 hours and then his wife made us a super good lunch. It was a lot of fun visiting with him and helping him out, he did need a lot of help.
Its starting to feel really weird being out of my normal missionary clothes now, ha ha I actually feel more comfortable in my slacks and shirt and tie than jeans and a tee, so weird.....
I taught English class last night and we had a ton of fun. I really really enjoy teaching and working with people. In a way when I put on the dress clothes and name tag I become someone else. ha ha kinda like a power ranger I can go from normal person to super hero, I love it! Well the work is has been incredible and all is well here in Italy, I love you all and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Ti voglio bene Anziano Koozer
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